Telling James and Carlos

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The next morning Logan woke up with no nausea and he was thankful for that

"Morning Dillion did you sleep good?" he asks his tummy as he rubs it to get her up

Dillion did a summersault to show mommy she slept well

"That's good now time for breakfast and maybe later I can work on your room" he says as he gets up and heads for the shower

Dillion loved the water that she could feel

"Thank goodness mommy not gaining much weight with you" he says as he fits into his pants yet

After Logan was dressed, he went to the kitchen to make himself breakfast

"Okay sweetie here come the nutrients so you grow big and strong" he says as he starts eating

He could feel her grab her umbilical cord and hold it as he eats


"Okay time to see what room is going to be yours" he says as he heads for the spare bedrooms that he had

He picks the one that is right across from his room, so when she cries, he hears her

"Time to tell Uncle Carlos about you" Logan says as he hits face time on his phone

Logan waits for Carlos to pick up his phone

"Hey, Logan, what do I have the honor at being called this early in the morning?" Carlos asks him

"Carlos, I have something to tell you" Logan tells him

"Go ahead buddy you can tell me anything" Carlos says to him

"Carlos I'm pregnant and if you don't believe me, I have the ultrasound to prove it" Logan tells him

"That's great buddy" Carlos tells him

"You are happy I'm having a baby?" Logan asks him

"Of course, I am I will even help with the nursery, and if you need a sitter, I'm available" Carlos tells him

"Thanks buddy can you come over sometime and paint the nursery?" Logan asks him

"Sure, just tell me the color and I will do it" Carlos tells him

"Bye Carlos" Logan says hanging up the phone

"Bye Logan" Carlos tells him

"That went better than expected" Logan says as he calls James and tells him the news

James wasn't home, so Logan left a voice message on his phone

"Hey, James, it's me Logan I have something I need to tell you. I'm pregnant with Kendall's baby. As soon as you get this message call me back, so I can explain everything" Logan says in the voice message

After Logan told James he decided to tell his parents that he was with child, and they didn't take it very well. That their son was pregnant with a baby, so Logan got kicked out of his family

"Don't worry Dilly you still have me, and I will love you no matter what the circumstance is" he says to his baby bump that was ever growing

Logan decided to tell everyone else that he knew he was pregnant. Everyone accepted it, and others didn't take it so well

"Got that done and over with" he says laying on the couch cause his back hurt him a little bit

"Oh, it's Kendall" he says when he sees who was calling him

"Hey, Kendall, what's up?" Logan asks him

"Logan, I want you to terminate the pregnancy" Kendall tells him

"Kendall I'm not terminating little Dillion I love her with all my heart. She is my world, and I'm not having her killed cause her father didn't want her. Like her mother wants her" Logan says as he breaks down and cries cause Kendall told him to abort the pregnancy

Logan hangs up the phone cause Kendall really hurt his feelings by terminating the pregnancy. After he got off the phone with Kendall, he decided to tell twitter he was with child. A lot of fans were supportive when he told them that he was having a baby.

"Well Dillion what do you want to do now princess?" Logan asks his belly

Dillion was fast asleep inside Logan, so Logan decided to take a nap cause he felt a bit tired from the pregnancy in general

"You have the right idea pudding cup" he says as he dozes off

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The next chapter is up, and this story continues and is an adventure in the making right now I am trying to break ties which I don't like  at all   

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