Juggling three girls

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"I'm so glad Isabel is finally home as well as Dillion and Mackenna" Logan says after all three girls went down for their nap

"Me too what should we do now Logie?" Kendall asks him

"Right now, I do not know since all three girls are sleeping like little angels" Logan says as he goes to the master to pump some milk for the twins

"How much longer do we have to wait until we can bone again?" Kendall asks Logan

"A long while cause we aren't going to do it until the twins are potty trained" Logan says as he sits down with the machine to pump a little bit

"That's fine with me besides, I don't want to get you pregnant really quick either" Kendall says as he goes to the downstairs studio to work on some music

"Me either I don't want the twins and the next one be nine months or a year apart" Logan tells Kendall

"Me either I want the twins and our next one be far enough apart" Kendall says on the intercom

Logan went back to pumping formula for the twins cause he wanted to bottle feed them the formula at night and when he didn't want to feed them.


"That should be enough for a while" Logan says as he takes the bottles downstairs to put them in the fridge

After Logan put the formula in the fridge, he heard the twins wake up from their slumber

"Okay you two I'm coming" he says when he hears Mackenna loud cry on the monitor

Logan goes upstairs as fast as his legs could carry him up to the girls

"What's the matter my adorable daughters?" He asks when he enters their nursery

Dillion and Mackenna were still crying and not happy

"Come on mommy will change you two" he says when he picks up Mackenna from the crib to take her to the changing table to change her

Once Mackenna was changed she still wasn't happy at all

"After i change your sister, I'll hold you pretty girl" he tells the baby that wasn't happy at all

Logan puts Mackenna back in her crib, so he could change Dillion. Once Dillion was changed, she was a happy baby once again

"There mommy took care of that nasty diaper" he says as puts Dillion's diaper cover back on her

Dillion just yawns and stretches

"Are you going to go back to sleep baby doll?" he asks her as he wraps her back up, so she doesn't get cold

Once Dillion was wrapped up, she fell back asleep

"Night sweetie" he says as he lays her back in her crib

Logan puts on the mobile before going back to Mackenna

"Okay come on let's leave your sister sleep" he says as he leaves with Mackenna who was crying her head off

Logan lightly bounces Mackenna to see if that helps

"Hey, Isabel, you are supposed to be asleep yet" he says when he sees the three-year-old appear

"Baby woke me up" Isabel says as she rubs her eyes

"I'm sorry princess, but something woke Mackenna up" he says as he continues to rock Mackenna who still wasn't settling down anytime soon

Isabel decides to play her big sister role to see if there was anything that she could do to get Mackenna to stop crying

"Thanks for the help sweetie papa going to give Mackenna a paci hoping that helps her" he says as he goes to the kitchen to get a pacifier for Mackenna

Isabel follows papa to the kitchen cause she wanted a snack

"Yes Isabel?" he asks as he gets one of the paci's for Mckenna

"Can i have a snack papa?" she asks him

"Sure, sweetie after i get Mackenna her paci I'll get you a snack" he tells her as he gives Mackenna the paci

"Someone else woke up from their slumber, and is not very happy" Kendall says as he appears with Dillion

"It's not time for the girls to eat cause i just got feeding them an hour ago, and i just changed them" Logan says as Mackenna fights him with the paci

"Since you pumped earlier maybe a bottle will hold them off for a while until they are really hungry" Kendall suggested to Logan

"I'll get two bottles out, and maybe Mackenna is hungry too" Logan says as he gets a snack for Isabel who was waiting patiently at her table for her snack

"I'll take care of the bottles while you take care of Izzy" Kendall tells Logan

Once Isabel had her snack, she was happy once more

"Thank you, papa," she says as she digs into her snack

"Oh, you're quite welcome princess" Logan tells her

Once the bottles were heated Kendall and Logan began feeding the twins their snack

"How could they be hungry I just fed them an hour ago" Logan says when Mackenna took the formula

"I don't understand it either Logie" Kendall says as Dillion eats

After both girls were fed Kendall and Logan burped them, and Mackenna still wasn't happy

"Mackenna, I don't understand I fed, changed and fed you again, and you are still upset" Logan says when Mackenna was still crying

"She probably has colic Logie" Kendall says when he puts Dilly in her swing to swing for a little bit after she let out some good burps

"How do we get rid of it?" Logan asks him

"Gas drops I'll run out and get some, so she could go back to sleep" Kendall says as he runs out to go to the convenient store to get the gas drops

"Hang on Kenna daddy will be back soon with some relief for you" Logan says as he tries to keep Kenna calm while Kendall went out to get the gas drops

Kendall came back really fast with the gas drops for Kenna

"Okay baby girl daddy will take care of you" Kendall says as he takes Kenna from Logan who was still crying

Kenna fought daddy on the gas drops

"Here Kenny let me take care of her cause I'm her mother" Logan says as he rubs his head after Kendall gave up

"I don't know what is wrong with the child" Kendall says as Logan continues to calm Kenna down

Kenna never calmed down, so Kendall and Logan gave up

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