1st night with Camille

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Logan laid Camille in the bassinet and covered her up, so she wouldn't get cold from the A/C that was blowing into the room cause it was hot that day and he was trying to keep the kids cool as a cucumber that day cause it was too hot for them to go outside to play in the sun and the girls could get heat exhaustion or heat sickness from being in the sun too long for their health and Logan did not want that at all with the little ones

"Here we go sweetie all comfy cozy and ready for your first night home in your new home where you are going to grow up at cause I have a feeling you are going to like it here growing up with this many sisters to play with and might bug you a lot" Logan says as he kisses Camille on the head as she fell asleep in the bassinet as she sucks on her paci as she slept peacefully dreaming of something nice

"Someone woke up from their short nap and they want mommy to hold her" Kendall says as he brings in Kenna who was not a happy camper that night and she really wanted mommy to make it better for her and she did not want daddy at all which was fine with Logan

"Oh okay come here Kenna boo mommy can hold you" Logan says as he accepts his daughter from Kendall and heads for the glider chair that was in the master bedroom when the girls couldn't sleep, and Logan or Kendall could rock them to sleep and talk to them as they rocked in the glider chair to calm the girls down when they were really upset and couldn't sleep at all

Kenna settled down when she was being held by mommy as they rocked that night in the glider chair just the two of them

"Did you have a nightmare Kenna huh, and did it scare you?" Logan asks as he sits down with her in his arms as he sat with her in the chair to soothe her back to sleep

Kenna continued to fuss as mommy held her in his arms that night as they rocked together cause she loved this time with mommy

"Oh princess it's okay mommy is right here, and isn't anywhere anytime soon at all, and will be right here with you" Logan says as he starts to rock her gently to have her settle down, and go back to sleep like a good baby should since her sisters were asleep in their beds that night

"Camille is sound asleep still" Kendall says as he checks on the baby that was sleeping peacefully in the bassinet that was in the room that Logan and Kendall shared

"I hope she sleeps through the night tonight without any problems" Logan says as he puts the cover on cause he knew what Kenna wanted, and it was the only way to settle her down without her having to fight sleep like she does sometimes

"Me too" Kendall says as he checks on the other girls before bed that night

Logan continued to admire Kenna who was nursing happily from mommy, and was glad that mommy was there for her and to make bedtime easier on her

"I'll only do this when you girls are scared or you don't want to take your bottle" he says to Kenna who still was nursing happily for mommy that night and was starting to drift back off to sleep happily

"Well the others are still asleep still in their beds" Kendall says as he comes into the room after checking on the girls

"That's good I hope Kenna settles down soon. If not I'm okay with her sleeping with us tonight and until she settles back down on her own" Logan says as he watches Kenna nurse as her eyes started to get heavy

"Me too" Kendall says as he gets Camille cause she woke up and she wanted to eat as well from Logan

"Give her to me Kenny and I'll feed her too, so at least she eats for us cause we don't know what kind of formula she is on, and if she is allergic to anything that we do not know of" Logan says as he gets ready to nurse two babies at once that night

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