Christmas with the girls

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Kendall and Logan were excited for the girls first Christmas with them cause it was going to be Izzy first Christmas, the twins first Christmas, Abbey & Camille's first Christmas as well even though it was probably Abbey's third or fourth Christmas, but it was her first with Kendall and Logan since her grandparents were in the hospital still recovering and hopefully coming home soon

"Logie are you feeling okay you don't look so good" Kendall says as he plays with the twins a little bit since Camille was in her little swing napping peacefully cause Kendall had fed her before he put her to sleep 

"Yeah it's probably the bug that i got from the girls is all, and I was going to get it sooner or later" Logan says as he tries to get on the floor as well cause Kenna wanted mommy on the floor with her

"They have been getting sick like clockwork lately, so I wouldn't doubt that you picked it up from them" Kendall says as he plays with Dillion cause Dillion wanted daddy to play with her

"I hope I am better by Christmas for the kids" Logan says as he plays with Kenna while the baby napped in her little swing

"Logie go to bed" Kendall says as he looks at Logan cause Logan didn't so good and Kendall didn't want the babies to catch it 

"No Kenny I get to get Christmas ready tonight cause Abbey and Izzy are going to be really excited in the morning to open their presents" Logan says as he has some tea cause his stomach was upset

"After we have Christmas and you still feel like you don't feel good we are going to the hospital to see what is going on with you" Kendall says as he plays with Dillion more a little bit

"Okay" Logan says as Kenna crawls away from mommy to go find sissy 

"Where you going Kenna?" Logan asks her as he follows her to Isabel's room 

Soon Dillion decided to follow her sister to her sister's room and see what Kenna could want with her sister 

"Okay I guess it's follow the leader time" Logan says as he runs to the bathroom cause he needed to get sick again

(Isabel's room)

"Dillion, Kenna" Isabel says when she sees her baby sisters come into her room to see her that day 

Dillion and Kenna decided to pull Isabel down and wrestle with her

"Okay guys I get the picture" Isabel says as her sister climb all over her and wrestle with her

Isabel decided to play with her sisters since they wanted her to play with them 

"Okay girls play nice with big sis" Kendall says as he comes into the room after he had helped Logan cause Logan was throwing up really bad, and Kendall wanted to step away to check on the girls cause he heard screaming

The twins smile at daddy cause they weren't going to be good

(That night)

"Okay girls bedtime" Kendall says as he feeds Camille her bottle as Logan laid on the couch cause he was weak still from throwing up all day 

Abbey and Isabel put out milk and cookies for Santa so he has a good snack when he stops at their house that night as well as carrots for the reindeer 

"Will Santa still find me and Camille?" Abbey asks Kendall and Logan after she did the milk and cookies that night

"I'm sure he will Abbey, so off to bed" Kendall says as he burps Camille after he had fed her bottle that 

Abbey heads off to bed cause the sooner she is in bed the sooner Santa will be there

"Isabel come on Santa won't stop if you ain't in your bed" Kendall says to her as he shuffles her off to bed cause Kendall had to come back to help Logan get ready for Christmas once the girls were in bed 

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