Logan and the girls move out

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"I don't care Logan my answer stands she can't have a dog" Kendall tells Logan

"Well Kendall I have no choice, but I'm moving out, and I'm taling the three girls with me" Logan says as he gets up to go get Isabel and takes her to his car

Logan gets the girls loaded up, and heads back to his old house that he lived in while he was pregnant with the babies

"Papa where we going?" Isabel asks him

"We are going to papa old house, cause papa and daddy are not going to be living each other" Logan says to her

"Why?" she asks him

"Cause he not going to let you have Cupcake, so the only way you can keep Cupcake is if i move out, and I take you girls with me" he says as he buckles her in her car seat

Logan goes in and grabs the babbies from their cribs, and take them out to his car, so they could hit the road and go back to his house

"Don't worry my angels papa has a room ready for you, so all he has to do is get another crib, and some more clothes for his girls" he says as he goes in and gets Cupcake from it's kennel

Cupcake was happy to be back with it's owner

"Papa are we going to come back for my fishes?" she asks him

"Yes baby girl tomorrrow papa is going to bring Uncle James and Carlos, so he can get your bed and everything else, so we can me a family just the four of us" he says as he gets in front to drive back to his place

Isabel just sits back and enjoys the ride to where papa used to live

(Logan's place)

"here we go my angels home sweet home" he says as he pulls into the garage where everything was the same before he left to go to Kendall's

Logan gets all three out and takes them into the house

"Isabel can you watch the babies while i get your fishes and Cupcake?" he asks the little girl

Isabel nods happily

"Thank you sweetie" he tells her

Cupcake goes and lays down in the kitchen right by where Isabel was while Logan hooked up the fish tank, and goes back out to get the diaper bags full of milk from the trunk, and brings them into the house to be put away

"Okay girls it's way past your guys bedtime" he says looking at the clock that was on the wall

"Where am i going to sleep papa?" Isabel asks him

"You will sleep with me tonight baby girl until i bring your bedroom from daddy's place" he says as he follows behind with the twins who was still sleeping in their car seats

Isabel goes to papa's room and lays in his bed

"Come on Cupcake you can sleep with us too" he says when the pup followed the family upstairs

Soon Cupcake started to whine

"I'll take Cupcake out papa" she says to him as she gets up to take her puppy outside to do his business

Cupcake was a good dog and did it's business and came back in the house with Isabel

"Good dog Cupcake" he says when the pup went to lay be the end of the bed to watch over it's owners

Cupcake was asleep within minutes

"What room will be mine papa?" she asks him

"Tomorrow we can decide that while Uncle James and Carlos go and get everything of papa's over at daddy's house cause I can't leave you girls alone quite yet" he says as he tucks her in with her doll that she had since they first found her

"Papa can you tell me a story?" she asks him

"Sure i can baby girl" he says as he tells her a story to get her to calm down and close her pretty eyes

Once the story was done Isabel was fast asleep, so Logan decided to go to sleep cause the twins were going to be up in two hours anyway

(Two hours later)

Logan hears the girls, so he goes and get them

"Good dog Cupcake" he says when the puppy was in the nursery waiting for him

Cupcake comes down with him cause it had to go out

"Good dog Cupcake" he says when the pup came back in

Cupcake stayed with Logan to protect him. While he was feeding the babies he heard a lot of noise outside, and he sees Kendall dropping everything off, and taking off again

"It looks like daddy just dropped everything off" Logan says to the twins

"Don't come crawling back to me Henderson, and stay away from me cause I don't want to see you or our bloody daughters ever again" Kendall says to him

"That's fine I don't need you either" Logan says to him as Kendall leaves

James and Carlos brings in everything for Logan and puts it in the right places for the moment

"Is Cupcake a girl or a boy dog?" Carlos asks Logan

"I don't know Carlos we have been so busy I never asked" Logan says as he takes the twins upstairs to their nursery for the moment

"I'll check" Carlos says as James brings in the clothes and organizes them for Logan

Cupcake is a girl dog and Logan was happy about that

"Night Logan we will be back in the morning" James tells him

"Night" Logan says as he goes upstairs

Logan puts Isabel in her own room and in her own bed

"There we go sweet girl" he says as he tucks her in

Logan was glad to be on his own once again and raising the girls himself cause he didn't need Kendall to help him at all with this

"Papa isn't that far away if you need him baby girl" he says as he gives Isabel her doll that she sleeps with every night

Logan gives her a kiss before leaving Isabel and Cupcake alone in her room that James and Carlos were able to find girly for her in his house

"Mommy isn't that far my darling daughters" he says as he pokes his head into the nursery where the girls were at

Logan heads to his room to get some sleep cause moving out has been exhausting on him in general and he needed his sleep

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