Seeing the grandparents

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"The girls want to go here for supper apparently they had it while we were in the hospital," Kendall says to Logan

"That's easy enough for me all we got to do is take care of the babies, and the younger ones ready for bed tonight" Logan says cause he had to pump for five babies and the twins as well cause the twins take a sippy cup of breast milk at night to help them sleep

Kendall places the order for supper that night and he does contactless delivery cause he is going to have the payment outside for the driver in the mailbox for it comes, so all the driver has to do is take the payment and leave the food on the steps of the house and leave


"This looks like the meal that was served in the movie Mrs. Doubtfire" Logan says as he sees the meal that was delivered that night for supper

"I'm not going to argue as long as it gets the girls to eat their veggies without a fight" Kendall says as he sees the amount of veggies they had

The girls washed their hands and started to dig in that night after they had said grace for their food that night

'I didn't think they were going to turn into proper young ladies while we were gone" Kendall says as he looks at the girls as they ate their food quietly without any peep

"I am glad they are behaving themselves" Logan says as he was eating his dinner as well

The girls cleared the table and did the dishes while Logan and Kendall relaxed with the babies especially the twins cause they had missed mommy Logan a lot lately

"We are going to have to teach the girls to say papa in time" Kendall says to Logan

"I am fine with them calling me mommy especially the older ones right now" Logan says as he was with the twins right now

"Yeah, and with the virus going around we can't see the other two's grandparents to see how they are doing" Kendall says as he was going to call to see how the grandparents are doing right now cause their health was at risk to get this disease

Kendall was shocked that the grandparents were not doing too good and both of them were back in the hospital and they were on life support to fight off this infection and the grandfather may not make it, so it looks like they might be planning a funeral

"Well, Logie we will have to try to get ahold of any of Abby's living relatives and tell them about their grandparents" Kendall says to Logan cause they had to do some research in the morning to see if she had any aunts and uncles or if the grandparents had any other children besides the girl's parents that ran out on them unexpectedly

"We might as well start the process now cause we won't be able to sleep tonight" Logan says as he was going to start the search process cause they ended up with the girl's original birth certificate, and both adoption papers

"Yeah, we might as well since we have five babies' home with us" Kendall says as they were going to see if the girls had other relatives

Kendall and Logan were able to get ahold of the grandparent's other children that they had, and they were on their way to see them and they were going to see Abby and her sister as well, and they were wondering why Abby was with her friend and not with none of them

"Okay the others are on their way I'm going to call the hospital to see about visitors and see how the grandparents are doing" Logan says as he was going to call the hospital, and get some information on the grandparents like their condition and how they are doing in general

The hospital told Logan that the grandfather is getting close to death, so it will be a matter of days before he passes away, and the grandmother wasn't far behind at all this disease         

"I think we need to see if the others can get an emergency flight" Kendall says as he was calling the others on Zoom

Kendall had Abby in the video and the girl's other relatives could not believe how much she has grown lately, and they saw the baby for the first time as well and they were going to get on the first flight that they could, and they were getting everything booked as well like hotels and letting their workplaces know that they were going to be gone for a while

"Should we go to the hospital?" Logan asks Kendall

"Yeah, we should" Kendall says to him    

Logan was going to get a sitter to watch the kids cause the kids were not allowed at the hospital at all, so James was going to come over and watch the kids for Kendall and Logan while they were at the hospital with the grandparents cause the grandparents kids wanted an update when they got to the hospital, so they knew what kind of flight to get on 


Kendall and Logan right to the ICU where the grandparents were right now and they were getting the status of each of them so they could pass it along cause their kids were going to be on the first flight that they could get out so they could be there cause they were getting leave from work, and getting hotels booked and everything else that they could think of right now cause they were going to be there for as long as they needed to be there, and they were pissed that the girl's parents stuck them in a home without even talking to them first 

"Okay thank you their kids will be here in a few hours or more cause they needed to see what flight they needed to get on to come here" Logan says as he was going to send out a big text to the others 

Part 2 will come, and it won't be pretty 

Part 2 is up

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