Life with Isabel & Dillion

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(Morning after Dillion's birth)

"Okay Dilly mommy coming" Logan says when he hears Dillion on the monitor

Dillion was full blown crying when Logan came into the nursery

"Are you hungry Dilly huh come on mommy will make you a bottle" he says as he carries her to the kitchen for a bottle

Logan was still pregnant with Mackenna after Dillion was born the contractions stopped, so Logan figured Kenna didn't want to make her appearance quite yet.

"Here we go sugar" he says as he feeds Dillion a bottle

Dillion started suckling the formula

"Dillion the other person that was with mommy and daddy last night after you were born was your big sister Isabel" he says as he sits down and feeds Dillion her breakfast

Soon Logan heard little footsteps on the stairs and he figured Isabel was up

"Morning princess" he tells her

"Morning papa" she says as she snuggles close to him

"Princess are you feeling okay you feel a bit warm" he says when he feels her body heat against his

She shakes her head no

"After I feed Dillion I'll take your temperature to see how high your fever is" he says as Dillion still suckles on her bottle

Soon Isabel covers her mouth

"Come on princess I'll take you to the sink" he says as he lays Dillion down

Logan got Isabel to the sink just in time

"Stay here while I burp Dillion" he tells her

Isabel nods as she continues to get sick

"Mommy going to put you in the swing while she checks on sissy" he tells Dillion as he burps her

Dillion let out a cute yawn after Logan burped her

"I think it's back to bed for you little lady" he tells Isabel as he carries her to her room

Isabel nods as she lays her head on papa shoulder

"Okay princess we are going to rinse out your mouth and then take your temperature" he says taking her to the bathroom to rinse out her mouth

Isabel rinsed out her mouth and went for her room

"Okay now papa going to take your temperature" he says grabbing the thermometer from the medicine cabinet

Logan sticks it in her ear and waits for it to beep

"It's 100.6 it looks like you are staying in bed today princess" he says as he throws away the plastic thing that was in her ear

"Can we cuddle papa?" she asks him

"Sure princess" he tells her

Logan tells Kendall he needs to go out for a couple of things cause Isabel was sick

"Okay I'll go Logie" Kendall says as he gets up and gets dressed to go to the store to get what Logan asked him to get

"I'm coming Dillion" Logan says when he hears Dillion

Logan took Dillion to the nursery to get a new diaper on and an outfit on

"Oh you sleepy sweetie" he says as she yawns as Logan changed her

Once Dillion had a new diaper and an outfit on Logan put her in her crib

"Sweet dreams Dilly girl" he says as he lays her in her crib

Logan went to check in Isabel to see how she was feeling

"Hey princess how are you feeling?" he asks coming in her room

"Yucky" she says

"It looks like papa has to wash your sheets, so guess what" he says as he stripes her sheets

"What papa?" she asks him

"You get to be on the couch while papa washes your bedding" he says as he grabs the spare sheets from the closet

Isabel grabs her pillow and heads down to lay on the couch

"Daddy will be back with medicine for you baby doll" he says as he covers her up

Isabel fell asleep immediately once papa tucked her in

"Might as well wash this" he says as he heads to the laundry room to wash Isabel bedding

Since Isabel and Dillion were asleep Logan kept himself busy with pumping milk for Dillion, and cooling Isabel down until Kendall returned with the medicine to take care of her

"Logie I'm home" Kendall says coming in with a lot of bags from the local pharmacy

"Isabel and Dillion are asleep" Logan says as he eats breakfast

"I got pedialyte, coloring books, medicine and some other fun goodies to make her feel better" Kendall tells him

"I hope you got the medicine as well?" Logan asks snappy

"I did Logie wake her up, so I can give it to her" Kendall says to him

Logan wakes Isabel up, so they could give her the medicine that Kendall got for her

"Isabel daddy got you some medicine, so you feel better" Logan says waking her up

"What flavor is it?" she asks

"Grape then I got bubble gum, cherry and other fun flavors" Kendall tells her

Isabel took the medicine, and laid her head on papa

"Are you still feeling yucky?" he asks her

She nods

"Papa will stay with you, and daddy can take care of Dilly" Logan says joining Isabel on the couch

"Mackenna too?" Isabel asks him

"Yes Mackenna too" he says with a chuckle as Isabel snuggles close to papa cause papa was really comfortable

Isabel loves papa snuggles the best cause he was the most comfy to lay on

"When will Mackenna come?" Isabel asks Logan

"It's hard to tell right now princess" he says as he hugs her

"Will you have her at home or in the hospital?" Isabel asks him

"I'll probably have her in the hospital just in case something goes wrong" he says as he strokes her pretty hair

"Will I be there?" Isabel asks

"Of course you will, but you will be in the waiting room, so when I have Mackenna daddy will come out and tell you that Mackenna is here" he says to her

"Can I hold Dilly?" Isabel asks him

"Let's wait until you are better and maybe you can hold her once you are better. Cause we don't want to give her germs since she is little" he tells her

"Can you tell me a story papa?" Isabel asks him

"Sure princess" he tells her as he rubs her back

"Look who woke up from her slumber" Kendall says coming in with Dillion

"Hey Dilly girl" Logan says as he reaches his arms out for the baby

Kendall hands him Dillion

"Hey Dillion did you have a good nap" Logan asks her

"Papa Dillion can't talk yet" Isabel says

"I know that you silly goose" he says as he kisses both girls on the forehead

Isabel doze back off when papa kissed her on the forehead

"Night Isabel" Logan says as he holds Dillion

"So far I can say we can juggle both girls" Kendall tells Logan

"Yup we can" Logan says as he feeds Dillion

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