Logan and the babies come home part 1

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"Who is that?" Logan asks cause he had three boys, so he had to get used to making sure he had all of them

"Kayden the other two will be along in a few," she says as she was handing the baby off to Logan

Logan saw that Kayden was fast asleep

"Kayden looks like the perfect mix of both of us," Kendall says as he was looking at the little boy that was in Logan's arms

"Yeah he has your hair, and your nose," Logan says as he was studying the baby that he was holding in his arms right that minute

"He has your cute smile," Kendall says as he saw Kayden smile a little bit and that made Kendall's day seeing Kayden smile a little bit

"I can't wait to see his eyes," Logan says as he was hoping that Kayden was going to open his eyes for his parents so they could see his eyes

Soon Kayden opened his eyes and Kendall and Logan saw his eyes were white

"Kayden is going to be blind," Kendall says as he was looking at him

"That is okay I still love him," Logan says as he was going to rock the two for a few minutes

Kayden hated his sister right off the bat, so Kendall took her

"Hey precious," Kendall says as he was walking with her to calm her down cause her cries were so soft

Spirit settled down and went to sleep as she was being held by daddy

"I can tell she is another princess," Kendall says as he was looking at her cause she looked so perfect despite her being small right now

"She is," Logan says as he was still looking at Kayden

Soon bassinets for the two were brought in the room cause K.J and L.J were on their way to the room so they could finally meet their parents for the first times

"I am going to lay her down," Kendall says as he was going to be Spirit in her bassinet for the time being

Logan nodded cause he wanted to see the boys

"Here we go little girl," Kendall says as he put Spirit in her bassinet

Spirit hated it

"Oh baby girl," Logan says as he was going to hold her as K.J and L.J was brought into the room

Kayden was happy in his bassinet for the time being

"I think he is happy anywhere," Logan says as he was looking at Kayden as he accepted the boys as Kendall held Spirit

James and Carlos were going to bring the others to the hospital so they could meet their new siblings for the first time, and get used to them as well cause this was going to be a big adjustment on everyone, and see how Kendall was as well


"Hello my beautiful girls," Logan says when he saw all of the girls run into the room to see him and the new babies as well

Logan saw they had balloons for him and the babies

"I think we need one more balloon" he aw when he sees all it's a boy balloon's

"Why papa?" Izzy asks him

"Cause there was one more baby hiding behind its brothers," he says as he was going to show the girls their new sister that was waiting to make her debut to her new sisters

Kendall picked up Spirit and she stirred in her sleep

"Oh my Mylanta" Abby says when he saw the baby girl that daddy was holding in his arms

"That is what I thought when I heard there was another baby hiding, and when the doctor pulled it out and announced it was a girl I was overjoyed cause I love all of my girls oh so much, and this adds to it as well as the boys cause there is no greater feeling than being a mommy or a papa to you girls" he says as he was going to kiss all of the girls that wanted on the bed, and there was no room, so Kendall was going to get a bigger bed for Logan and for the kids as well

Some nurses bring in a bigger bed for Logan so all of the girls can be with be even the babies that wanted mommy right now, and he was going to be there for him

(Days later)

Logan and the quads were allowed to go home and get settled in

"Okay Spirit it is you and me cause your brothers are in surgery right now," Logan says as he was going to dress her

Spirit was a happy baby did not cry much, and Logan liked that about her cause she was like the twins when they were born

"Okay you are freshly changed and we have to wait for daddy to come and get us," Logan says as he was going to put her in her bassinet for the time being

Spirit had other ideas

"Okay I can hold you cutie pie," Logan says as he was going to hold her

Logan loved Spirit a lot and it showed

"Let's rock as we wait for daddy," Logan says

Logan was shocked when he saw James and Carlos come in the room with the strollers for the babies as well as the others that were going to help with the new babies when they come home from the hospital that day cause they had a celebration planned for all of the babies as well

"Where is Kendall?" Logan asks them when he sees James and Carlos come into the room

"Kendall got admitted early this morning and the hospital is monitoring the contractions cause the baby might be born today," James says as the boys were brought in

Logan wanted to go down and be with Kendall during this time of need and he was going to

"James, Carlos I am going to have you guys take the babies home while I am with Kendall" Logan says cause he was Kendall's coach

"Kendall has his brothers here with him cause he knew you and the babies were coming home today, and the babies will need you more, and he doesn't know if the baby will come today anyway" James says as he was giving Logan his clothes as the boys started to come back in the room slowly so they could go home

part 2 will come and seeing Kendall will follow 

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