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The little girls took the news really well that there was going to be another baby in the house. Abby and Camille were going to be staying with Kendall and Logan from now on cause their grandparents health wasn't good cause the grandfather health started to take a turn for the worst after he was in surgery, so Izzy and Abby were glad that they were going to be siblings and were able to play with each other as well, and be room mates which Izzy was really excited about, and Camille was on the fence about living with these new people cause she was so use to her grandparents taking care of her for so long, and now these new people were going to be taking care of her for the rest of her life and she wasn't okay with it at all 

"I can't believe Kenna and Dilly are going to be a year old soon. They are growing up too fast for my liking" Logan says as he looks at the girls who was dressed different that day, and were playing with their toys happily and were babbling up a storm as they were playing with their toys  

"Me either they are certainly different in their own way and I love them to pieces" Kendall says as he admires his girls who were playing happily 

"Yeah Kenna is more of a girly girl and Dilly is a rebel" Logan says as he watches as twins as they fight over a toy  

"Girls there is more then one toy to play with" Kendall says as he goes over to the twins to see if there was another toy that the twins wanted to play with cause he didn't want Logan to get involved cause he was pregnant and he wanted Logan to take it easy with this pregnancy 

Logan got a snack ready for the girls cause it was almost nap time and almost time for Camille to eat again cause her weight has gone down a little bit and her pediatrician was worried about that 

"Girls mommy is getting you girls a snack before nap time" Kendall says as he looks at Logan who was making the snack for the girls 

Kenna heads over to her highchair so she could be the first one there for snack that afternoon 

"Hi Kenna" Logan says as he picks Kenna up so she could go into her highchair for her snack that afternoon

"Mama" Kenna says as she looks into mommy's eyes

"Kenna say it again" Logan says as he looks at her cause he thought he heard her wrong 

"Mama, mama" Kenna says happily to him as she claps her hands

"Kenny she said her first word Kenna is talking" Logan says in complete shock that Kenna said her first word which was mama 

"Kenna say it again" Kendall says as he brings Dilly over to her highchair for her snack too

"Mama, mama" Kenna says as she was placed into her high chair for her snack 

"She's talking she's actually talking" Kendall says happily cause he was happy that one of the twins was talking 

"Yes she is" Logan says as he calls the others down for their snack too 

"Dada" Dilly says as she looks at Kendall as she was being placed in her high chair as well next to her sister for snack 

"Now Dilly is talking" Kendall says a she gives her a big old kiss cause Dilly said dada and made his day cause he was hoping one of the twins was going to call him dada when they started to talk  

"This calls for a celebration indeed cause we have two talkers now" Logan says as he gets the sparkling cider out cause him and Kendall were going to celebrate the twins talking and each of them said a parent's name which pleased both Kendall and Logan  

"Yes it does" Kendall says as he calls the others two down for their snack 

Logan got it passed out to everyone cause he wanted the other two to be included on this cause Logan has had an easy pregnancy so far and not much morning sickness which was a blessing, so he was hoping for one baby this time around 

"When do we see about the baby?" Kendall asks as he gives the twins their snack 

"This week cause Dr. Buttercream comes back today and she had an opening for later in the week, and she got me in, so we can check on baby" Logan says as he thinks of when his appointment was to see Dr. Buttercream to check on this little one 

"That's good I have the girls designing the nursery for the new baby cause i want to start on it as soon as we find out the gender" Kendall says as he comes over to help the babies with their snack 

"Perfect I can't wait to see what it looks like, and if it will be a boy or a girl" Logan says as he gives the twins their juice

Soon Camille started to cry 

"Okay Camille I'm coming" Logan says as he goes and gets Camille from her playpen where she was playing at cause she was hungry 

Camille stopped crying when she saw Logan 

"Are you hungry sweetie pie?" Logan asks as he picks her up and takes her to the kitchen where the girls were already having their snack 

Camille let out soft whimpers as Logan held her close to him 

"I take that as a yes" Logan says to her as he gets the bottle that was already warm for her 

"Mama" Kenna says as she looks at Logan

"Yes Kenna darling?" Logan asks as he looks at her to see what she wanted 

"Mama" Kenna says as she hits the table of her highchair

"Okay I'll give you more baby doll" Logan says as he gets more for Kenna cause she was happy with her snack  

"Daddy" Izzy says as she looks at him

"Yes sweetie?" Kendall asks her 

"Can i have more please?" she asks him 

"Of course you can sweetie since you asked nicely" Kendall says as he gives Izzy some more to eat 

"Thank you" Izzy says as she has more of her juice 

"Can i have more too please?' Abby asks Kendall

"Yes you two can have more" Kendall says as he gets more for the girls since they were asking nice and being very polite as they has their snack that afternoon 

"The girls are being very polite today for some reason" Logan says as he gives Kenna some more food 

"I know it is very weird" Kendall says to Logan cause the girls might be up to something 

"Girls is there something that you ain't telling us?" Logan asks as he comes close with his snack cause he had to eat for the baby so the baby could continue to grow and develop properly and get nutrients from mommy

"Spill it girls" Kendall says as he looks at the girls who look innocent like they were hiding something from their parents

"What?" Izzy asks as she looks at her parents as she was having her snack 

"Is there something you would like to talk to us about?" Kendall asks her as he looks at her 

"No daddy" Izzy says as she finishes her snack up and go back up to work on the new baby's room 

Abby finishes her snack and goes up to the room as well

"Whatever it is they are on it together" Logan says to Kendall as he gets up 

"Yeah it's time to put the babies down for a nap" Kendall says as he looks at the clock on the wall

V & C 

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