Logan and the twins come home

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Logan, Dillion, and Mackenna had to be in the hospital for four days. He was glad when he was released to go back home he hated being in the hospital

"Okay Mackenna let's get you changed" Logan says as he lays the baby girl down on the bed, so he could change her

Logan was surprised when he saw a diamond ring on Mackenna's little ankle

"Logan Henderson I knew from the moment you told me you were pregnant. I knew you were the one for me, and I want to raise our beautiful girls together, and I don't want to leave you go or the girls go, so will you marry me?" Kendall asks him

Logan had tears of joy in his eyes when he saw Kendall down on one knee proposing to him

"Yes Kendall Schmidt I will marry you" Logan tells him

Kendall takes the ring off Mackenna ankle and puts it on Logan's finger. After the ring was on they sealed it with a kiss

"Kenny can you help me get the girls ready?" Logan asks him

"Sure who still needs changed?" Kendall asks him

"Dillion needs changed and dressed in her cute outfit" Logan says as he dresses Mackenna in her cute little outfit

"Hey is Isabel getting released too?" Kendall asks as he changed Dillion wet diaper

"During the night she got worst, and since the adoption isn't final they moved her to a different hospital to get better care" Logan says as he breaks down and cried

"Oh Logie we can go see her" Kendall says as he hugs Logan tight

"I miss her Kenny I want my little princess back" Logan says crying

Kendall went in search of what hospital they took her too, and hoping he got some answers, so they could get their little girl back.

"They took her to the children's hospital that's not too far, so maybe after we get the girls changed and dressed we could head over there to see Isabel" Kendall says as he goes back to dressing Dillion in her cute little outfit

Dillion an Mackenna are fraternal twins, so it made telling them apart a lot easier on mommy and daddy

"I can't believe the only thing Mackenna got from you is the hair and the eyes" Kendall says when he looks at Mackenna who was looking around the room

"Yeah I was surprised that she had my chocolate eyes and my raven hair color" Logan says as he disappeared into the bathroom to change

Kendall put the twins in their car seats while Logan was in the bathroom changing out of his hospital gown

"Did we ever find out what was wrong with Mackenna and why she wasn't eating?" Kendall asks him

"Yeah you won't believe what I have to do to both girls" Logan says from inside of the bathroom

"What?" Kendall asks

"I have to breastfeed the girls cause now Dillion won't take a bottle for me" Logan says as he finishes getting ready, so they could go see Isabel who was at the children's hospital

"That's going to be funny seeing you breastfeed our kids" Kendall says with a chuckle

"I'm not looking forward to it myself if to don't mind" Logan says as he comes out in something comfortable

"I guess I have to go out and buy a special pillow for the girls, and a pump just in case you don't feel like feeding them?" Kendall guesses

"Yeah at least it will save us money on formula" Logan says as a nurse comes in with a wheelchair to take him down to Kendall's car

"Plus with us using cloth diapers instead of the disposal ones we can save a fortune on the twins. Until they start eating solids" Kendall says as he hands Dillion to mommy cause Dillion started to fuss

"What's wrong sugar is something bugging you?" Logan says as he gets Dillion out to hold her

Logan begins rocking Dillion back to sleep to calm her cries

"Ah it's okay Dilly mommy has you pretty girl" he says as he rocks her to sleep

Logan strokes her tiny cheek and gives her a kiss as he continues to rock her in his arms

Dillion was not settling down anytime soon

"Dillion what's your trouble huh sweet girl? I just changed you and it's not time for you to nurse yet" he says as he walks around the room with her trying to calm her down before she gets admitted

"Here Logie give her to me" Kendall says holding his arms out for the baby

Logan gives him little Dillion, and Kendall begins working his magic with the baby girl

"Did you have a bad dream huh and it woke you up out of your slumber?" Kendall says as he lightly bounces Dillion hoping that calms her down as he contines to talk to her to get her to settle down, so they could bust out of here

"Are we going home or not cause i got places to be?" the nurse asks the couple

"I gues we aren't leaving right now" Logan says when he hears Mackenna wake up from her slumber

The nurse leaves the room with the wheelchair

"I didn't need to leave the hospital in a wheelchair anyways" Logan says as he rocks Mackenna who started to settle down and go back to sleep in mommy's arms

"I think Mackenna is attached to you cause she was in you a little longer" Kendall says as Dillion still cries

"I think that's the case" Logan says as he buckles Mackenna back in her car seat, so they could leave and take the girls home before going staright for the children's hospital to see Isabel

"I think taking the girls home and get them settled before going to see Isabel is abetter plan, so while you unpack i can get all the information, so we could see her later on. I'm thinking she misses us terribly" Kendall says over DIlion's cries

Since Dillion wasn't settling down anytime soon they had to admit her and take Mackenna home

"I can't wait until both girls are home and in my arms instead of them being separated from me cause i hate this" Logan says as they leave the hospital and going to Kendall's car

"Me too Logie" Kendall says as he walks with Dillion's car seat

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