Isabel is finally home

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Logan carries Isabel to the van, so they could take her home

"Me and daddy left your room the way you left it when you left. The only thing that we did was clean your room, and wash your pretty sheets, so they are nice and clean for you baby girl" he tells her as they continue to head to the van, so they could take her home

Isabel was glad that daddy and papa cleaned her room for her, and changed her sheets so she had clean sheets on her bed

"Okay sweetie I'm going to buckle you in your car seat, so we can take you home and get you settled back in your life at home" he says as he opens the side door

Isabel car seat was in the back of the van, and the twins car seats were in the middle of the van

"Daddy did you bring my favorite show to watch?" She asks as Logan buckles her in

"Yes I did its in the DVD player" Kendall tells her as he buckles Kenna in her car seat base

Logan grabs Dillion so Kendall could fold the stroller up and load it in the van, so they could go home

"There we go Dilly girl" he tells her as he licks her in her car seat base

Dillion just coos at him

Once Kendall was in he started the van so they could go home

"Okay Isabel we are finally going home" he tells her as he pulls out of the parking garage to go home

Isabel enjoyed the ride while watching her show

(Schmidt house)

"Okay Isabel we are finally home" Kendall says as he pulls into the garage

Isabel was surprised to see something that stood out to her

"Daddy what is that?" She asks him

"That sweetie is your first bike" he says as he gets Kenna out of the van and carries her into the house

"Can I ride it!" She asks him

"After you are a bit stronger cause me and daddy are going to take you to where our new house is going to be built at" Logan tells her as he gets Dilly who was cranky out of her car seat

Once Kendall has Kenna in the house he comes back out for Isabel

"Come on sweetie let's take you inside and get your party started cause me and papa missed you like crazy" Kendall tells her as he unbuckles her from her car seat

The hospital have Kendall and Logan a wheelchair for her to use until she built up her strength

"I took the liberty of making tea for us" Logan says as he grabs her little tea pot along with a cake that daddy picked up the day before

"So Isabel are we properly dressed for your welcome home tea party?" Kendall asks his daughter

Isabel heads to her room to get a couple of things, so they were properly dressed for the tea

"I knew we were missing the boa's and the hats" Logan says with a chuckle as she passes out the boa's and the hats

Once Kendall and Logan were properly dressed they had to take a picture of the three of them dressed in the attire of the afternoon

"I say we look pretty silly" Kendall says after the picture was taken

"Time for our tea party" she tells them

Kendall and Logan loved the tea party and spending time with Isabel while the twins slept in their swing like little angels

"Thank you for the tea party daddy and papa" she says as Kendall cleans up the mess

"Oh you're quite welcome next time it's your turn to host it, but wait until you are better" he tells her

Logan hears the twins, so he decides to feed them while Isabel played with her toys while Kendall cleaned up the tea party fun

"Okay you too mommy is coming" Logan says as he heads to where the twins were

Logan slowly picks up the twins and heads to the master, so he could feed them

"Okay you two it's coming" he says as he gets the pillow that he uses to nurse the twins

Once Logan was comfortable he guided each of the girls up to the bar

"There we go my angels" he says as the twins start to nurse

Logan was glad to have the twins home and Isabel resting comfortably on the couch watching Disney movies, and Kendall doing whatever he had to do

"Oh there you are Logie i thought i find you here" Kendall says as he comes into the master

"Yeah the twins needed fed, so I'm feeding them" Logan says as the twins still nurse under the blanket

Kendall looks at the feeding chart to see if it was time for the twins to nurse again

"What are we going to do this afternoon?" Kendall asks Logan

"Whatever Isabel wants to do cause she is still recovering from being sick" Logan says as he looks under the blanket at the twins who were still eating

"Right now she is asleep, so I came to see if you need help with the twins" Kendall tells him

"Yeah after these girls eat they will probably need their diaper change" Logan says as he rocks back and forth in the rocking chair as the twins continue to eat

"Okay and maybe later we can play with the babies for a little bit" Kendall says as he gets his guitar out to clean it cause the twins were still eating yet

"That sounds like a plan" Logan says as the twins still nurse

The twins nursed for a good thirty minutes until they were done eating their meal

"You girls must of been hungry" Logan says as he sits Kenna up to burp her cause Dillion was still nursing yet which shocked Logan

Once Kenna burped Logan handed her over to Kendall, so she could be changed 

"Good golly Dilly you must be really hungry" Logan says as Dillion still nurses under the blanket like a good baby

"She must be going through a growth spurt" Kendall says as he lays Kenna down on the changing table to change her

"She must be or she is really hungry" Logan says as he hears Isabel wake up from her short nap

"Daddy, papa" she calls out to them

Loag gets up and sees what Isabel wants

"Isabel is everything okay?" he asks as he sits down woth Dillion who was still nursing

"I had a bad dream, and iwant to cuddle with you and daddy" Isabel tells him

"You got us princess" he tells her

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