Planning the twins first birthday

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Dr. Buttercream did everything normal until she spotted three blobs on the screen

"Kendall, Logan you guys are having triplets" she says to Kendall and Logan when she turned the screen to face them so they could see as well

Kendall was in complete shock that they were having triplets

"Here are the heartbeats that are beating really strong" Dr. Buttercream says as she turns up the volume, so they could hear it

"Our babies Logie" Kendall says as he hears three heartbeats beating

"I know I can't wait to meet them" Logan says as he looks at the screen as he sees the babies for himself cause he was excited to have triplets

"Me either i guess we have to buy three of everything now" Kendall says as they continue to admire the babies that were on the screen

"Now to see what they are going to be" Logan says as Dr. Buttercream went to print off pictures of the babies for Kendall and Logan so they had them to show friends and relatives that they were going to have three beautiful babies

"Yes" Kendall says as they share a kiss

"Now to plan for the twins first birthday" Logan says as he sits up after he had checked on the triplets

"Yeah I can't believe that they are going to be a year" Kendall says as they head out to the van so they could head home cause Logan wanted to plan the twin's first birthday

"I want to go with an easy theme for the girls" Logan says as the get the girls in the van that they are going have to upgrade to a bigger vehicle for the triplets

"Okay we can go with any theme you want Logan cause I am not going to make you mad at all since you are pregnant" Kendall says as they kiss

Logan was happy that he was going to get his way with the birthday


"All of the girls are bedded down" Kendall says when he came back from putting the girls down for a nap

"That's good, so we can start planning the party" Logan says as he gets a binder together

"Of course then we go shopping and look to see where can have the party cause we are going to be inviting a lot of people to come to the party, and we have a lot to do before they turn one" Kendall says to Logan

"I know I can't believe it either it seemed like yesterday I was pregnant with them" Logan says as he looks at the pictures that he remembers of what he looked liked when he was pregnant with the twins

Soon Camille woke up

"I'll get her" Kendall says as he heads to where the baby was

Logan decided to get ready to nurse the little girl just in case she was hungry

"Logie i think someone is hungry" Kendall says to Logan as he came in with little Camille 

"Okay I'll feed her and we can continue to plan the party" Logan says as he got ready to nurse little Camille

Logan talked to her as he was going to nurse her

"There we go little one" he says as she latches on and started to nurse her

"I can't believe how tiny she is" Kendall says to Logan

"I know she is like a newborn almost" Logan says as he looks down at the baby that was nursing from him

Kendall and Logan went with a lady bug theme party for the girls and Logan couldn't wait to see them in their cute ladybug outfits

"Now for a smash cake" Kendall says

"Yeah I think we should do it as an experiment to see how they like it, and if they don't want to to do we won't" Logan says to Kendall as he continued to feed the baby

"Plus we want to have our own celebration" Kendall says as he was looking at the binder to make sure that they had everything covered

"Yeah I want it to be just the two of us, and the girls and by then we should see what the triplets are going to be" Logan says to him as he looks to see if Camille was okay

"We can have them do three cakes and cupcakes with the genders of the triplets and we can open three boxes of balloons to make sure that is going to be the gender" Kendall says to Logan

"I'm game for that way the others can see what we're having as well cause  we are going to tell the fans and everyone that we going to have triplets" Logan says as he brings the baby out from under the blanket as he was nursing her

Kendall was going to go birthday shopping a little bit and Logan was going to see about venues that could work for the party, and he was going to work on the invites as well for the party


"Logie go take a nap i got the girls" Kendall says to Logan when he sees him completely tired and ready to fall asleep at any minute 

"Thanks Kenny" Logan says as he heads to the master to get some sleep for a little bit

"Welcome" Kendall says as he decided to scoop Logan up and carry him there himself

"Thank you Kenny" Logan says as he looks into Kendall's eyes as they were heading to the master bedroom for the afternoon

"Don't mention it cause you are carrying our babies, and I want to take good care of you" Kendall says as they kiss as they were heading for the master

Kendall lays Logan down and tucks him in

"Night Logie" Kendall says as he kisses him good night before leaving the room to go and be with the girls that needed him right now 

"Night Kenny" Logan says to Kendall before Kendall left the room

Kendall stood until Logan was asleep, and when Logan was asleep Kendall was going to take the girls and they were going to pick out an engagement ring. Kendall was going to pop the question to Logan before the girls turn one and he was figuring out when he was going to do it, and was going to make it romantic enough Logan was going to say yes, and he wanted to get married before the triplets if not after the triplets come into the picture that way they can have a picture with all of their kids and of course the oldest were going to be flower girls or they could walk Logan down the aisle if they wanted for the ceremony cause they loved their papa a lot and they will be surprised when he takes them to pick out a ring for the engagement. 

"How am i going to pull this off?" he asks as he went to get the girls so they could go shopping for the ring for Logan, and how and when he was going to pop the question to Logan cause he didn't want Logan to suspect anything unusual about him at all cause he was going to keep it low key the whole time

Kendall was thinking of how he was going to keep it a secret from the girls just in case they suspect why they were going out and why they were at the jewelry store, and he was going to get a ring that had a certain amount of diamonds in it so it could stand for the kids 

"I am going to see where i can do the proposal at" Kendall says as he was going to get the older ones so he could get going to the mall to get the ring that he wanted to be perfect for Logan cause Logan deserved the best that there was in the ring business

Once Kendall had the older ones he headed to the mall to get Logan the ring as well as some party decorations for the twin's birthday and for the engagement surprise as well so Logan doesn't think he went to the mall for himself, and the older one's wanted to go shopping too so it was a good excuse to get out of the house for a little bit and maybe get their ears pierced too

V & C

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