Isabel turns 4 part 7

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After the group was done at the hospital they went home, so they could continue to celebrate Isabel's birthday even though Isabel didn't feel like celebrating at the moment since she was in a cast and laid up for her birthday that day

"Isabel it is going to be okay. You can still have fun on your birthday cause me and mommy have lots of fun things planned for you tonight" Logan says as he buckles her into her car seat, so they could head home from the hospital with the girls

"Logan when can the baby come home?" Erin asks him

"Tonight if all goes well. The hospital wants to do testing on her to make sure she is okay before she was released to go to her temporary family that was going to take care of her until her grandparents were released from the hospital to go to a nursing home that is going to let the grandparents care for the girls while they were still recovering from the heart attack and stroke that they had

"I can't wait to see her and hold her in my arms since the twins are getting so big and they want to have independence from us since they are getting older" Erin says as she buckles in the babies, so they could head home for Isabel's party, but they were going to take her out to dinner for her birthday after they got the one of the twins old bassinets and toys that they had when they and then they were going to come back to the hospital to get the baby that was in the nursery at the moment

"Me either when we get home I got to get the twins clothes out of the attic as well as the bassinet or crib, so she could sleep that night in her new place" Logan says as he buckles in the other twin, so they could head home, so Isabel could rest a bit before they head to dinner that night for her birthday

"What will I sleep in tonight?" Abby asks them from her car seat since Logan got the car seats from her grandparents

"Will it be okay if you and Isabel share a bed tonight? That way you can take your time picking out your bed that you want" Logan says to her as he gets in front, so the group can head home, so Isabel can rest. Logan sees that his little girl is in a lot of pain from her arm

"Yeah" Abby says to him as she looks at her best friend as they head back to her house to relax before going to dinner that night

"Logan what kind of bed does Isabel have?" Erin asks him as they start to head home

"A sleigh bed" Logan says to her as they head home

"Makes sense" Erin says to him

"Yeah it does and I painted it her after the twins were born cause she asked me to paint it for her" he says as he continues to drive home from the hospital

(Logan's house)

Isabel gets out of her car seat slowly, so she cold go into the house slowly, so she could lay down on the couch

"Logie I say we order in tonight for Isabel cause she looks like she isn't up for going out to eat for dinner on her birthday" Erin says to him when she saw Isabel on the couch ready to fall asleep at any moment from the pain medicine that the hospital

"Yeah plus we can celebrate her birthday while we wait until it is time to get dinner" Logan says to her as he lets Isabel open up a present to make her feel better since she had to have a cast on her arm on her birthday

"Isabel would you like to open a present baby?" he asks her as he sits next to her on the couch

She nods

"Okay here you go baby" he says as he gives it to her, so she could open it and see what was inside for her

"Thank you daddy" she says sleepily to him

"Do you want me to cover you up, and put you in your jammies, so you can nap?" he asks her as he open the pajamas that he got for her to wear

She nods

"Okay baby" he says as he helps her change out of her school clothes and into her jammies, so she could sleep

Once Isabel was ready for bed Logan settled her on the couch, and covered her up with her blanket, and went to get another present for her to open that afternoon

"Better baby?" He asks her as he brought all of her presents to her, so she could see what she was getting for her birthday that day

She nods as she fights to keep her eyes open

"I'll let you open your presents later, and we can have dinner" he says as he tucks her in for a nap that day

She nods as she doze off to sleep

"Night baby mommy and daddy ain't far away. We will be in one of the guest rooms getting everything ready for Abby's baby sister to come home that night after the family had dinner that night with Isabel cause they were going to let her pick where she wanted to go, and they were hoping that the restaurant that Isabel picks has delivery service or carside to go. That way they could spend it with the birthday girl

"Abby would you like to see where you are going to be sleeping at?" He asks Abby as they headed upstairs, so he could get the baby room ready for her when she came home that night

She nods

"Come on then. Plus you can borrow one of Isabel's pajamas to wear tonight. You can put them on if you like" he says to her as they continue to head upstairs, so she could get settled

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