Isabel turns 4 part 3

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Logan and Erin put the twins in their playpen once they were back in the house

"Okay you two play nicely for daddy and mommy while they decorate for your sister party" he says as he places Dillion and Mackenna in the play pen to play with their toys as daddy got ready for Isabel birthday party

"That should go over nicely" Erin says as she gets the bag of decorations out, so they could decorate the house for the party

"Yeah but they love each other" he says with a chuckle as he gets the ladder, so the house could get decorated for the party

"They do" Erin says as she gets everything situated, so the house could be decorated cause she had to get back to baking for the afternoon preschool class that Isabel attends cause Logan wanted to have her ready for pre-kindergarten cause he is going to enrolled her in the pre-kindergarten class for the fall that year


"There the house is ready for the party tonight" he says as he thinks of what Erin could make for Isabel afternoon preschool class

"I am thinking cupcakes for the afternoon preschool class, and they can decorate them themselves" Erin says as she get sthe mixing bowl out to make the cupcakes

"Good thinking what did you do for the morning preschool class?" he asks her 

"I did whoopie pie for them with different icing inside and i rolled them in sprinkles, candies and whatever else that was fn for them" she says as she starts the cupcakes batter for the cupcakes

"These are going to be fun for the afternoon bunch" he says as Kenna started to cry out for daddy

"Yup and I can't wait till later for her birthday lunch" Erin says as she continues to make the cupcakes for the party

"Me either she is going to have a fun time at dinner as well cause we are going to chuck e cheese for dinner" he says as he comes back with Kenna in his arms cause she wanted daddy and not be with Dillion

"Logan can you go back to the store to get more goody bags for the preschool class please?" Erin asks him

"Of course I can sweetie I will be right back with the goody bags for the afternoon preschool class. Should I get anything else while I'm out?" He asks her

"Nope I'm good" Erin says happily to Logan

"I will be right back then" he says as he gives her a kiss as he leaves with Kenna in his arms at the moment

"Okay I'll make the beverage for the afternoon preschool class they are going to love this" Erin says as she continues to cook and make the cupcakes

Erin was in a good mood the entire time even though she is pregnant

"Isabel is going to love this" Erin says with a smile on her face

Erin used the icing from the cookies for the cupcakes

"I might do a filling for the cupcakes to make them good for her" Erin says as she thinks of the filling for the cupcakes

Erin didn't do the jams for allergies and anything else for the kids. She was going to pipe the filling in after the cupcakes were made and were cooled on the cooling rack to cool

"Dillion do you want to come into the kitchen with mommy?" Erin asks after she put the cupcakes in the oven

Dillion squeals cause she wanted to be in the kitchen with mommy that morning

"Come on then" Erin says as she gets Dillion from the playpen and brings her into the kitchen to be with mommy that morning

Erin places Dillion in her high chair so Erin could keep an eye on her


"Erin I'm back" Logan says as he comes in with Kenna who was happy as a clam right now

"Perfect can you do the goody bags, do I can do the cupcakes?" She asks him"Sure i can babe" he says as he puts Kenna in the playpen for her nap cause she was starting to get a bit cranky right now

Logan & Erin talked the entire time as they got everything ready for the afternoon preschool class

"Is it time to get Isabel from preschool?" Erin asks him

"Almost time to go and get her" he says to her as he finishes up the goody bags for the afternoon preschool class

"Good and then we can take her to lunch for her birthday" Erin says as she goes up and get the crackers just in case she has some nausea

"Isabel is going to be so excited to be going to a restaurant for her birthday" he says to Erin as he get sthe twins ready to go pick up their big sister from big sister that morning

"Yeah but first we have to go to the toy store and get her a doll, so she can open it at her birthday lunch cause I want to tell her the news at lunch later on" erin says upstairs as she gets the wrapping paper cause she wa going to wrap the doll up in the wrapping paper once she got it from the toy store

"Makes sense come on we got to get going if we are going to get to the preschool on time to get her" he says as h takes the babies out to the van, so they could get a move on and head to the toy store and then to the preschool to get Isabel, so he could take Isabel out for her birthday lunch which she was going to enjoy

(After the toy store)

"Isabel is going to love this doll" Erin says as she gets back into the van, so they could get going to the preschool to get Isabel

"Yes she is I can't believe that you are actually pregnant" he says to her

"I know this afternoon I have my first appointment to see about the baby, and we can show it to Isabel later on tonight" Erin says as she starts to work on the doll, so Isabel doesn't see it at all when preschool was over for the day

Erin was able to get the doll wrapped at stop lights cause that was the only way she could get the wrapping paper perfect, so Isabel doesn't know the difference

"Put the doll in the trunk and bring it in when we go into the restaurant" he says to her

"I got some more items like a stroller and everything for the doll" Erin says as she puts the doll in the trunk after they get to the preschool to get Isabel

"Hey Isabel did you have fun today?' he ask as she comes out to the van to go out for her birthday dinner

"Yes daddy i got presents from my preschool and everything" Isabel says as she buckles herself in her car seat, so they could go home and enjoy themselves

"That's good but first we are going out for lunch for your birthday and we have news to tell you over lunch as well" he says as he tries to keep a straight face

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