Custody hearing

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"I don't believe this" Logan says one day when he brought in the mail from the mailbox

"What?" Erin asks him as she was playing with the twins

"Kendall wants to take me to court, and he wants half custody of the girls" Logan says as he sits down to read the letter carefully

"He is kidding" she says as he sits next to him

"No he isn't kidding" Logan says as he hands Erin the letter that the court sent him

Erin begins to read the letter carefully as she picks up Dillion who wanted mommy to hold her 

"Come here big girl" Logan says to the baby that wanted to be picked up, and he;d by her mommy

"Dilly looks like she envys you Logan" Erin tells him

"Yes and Mackenna is no better" Logan says with a chuckle as Erin continues to read the information that was enclosed in the letter

"It says the hearing is next month, so you better have proof that you have been providing for the girls, and he didn't pay for anything like diapers and everything" Erin tells him

'Luckily i have kept all the receipts that i have had" Logan tells her as he goes up and get the boxes that had all of thereceopts from diapers to formula for the babies

"I hope you win the case that is all i can say" Erin says to Logan

"Believe me i will win the case, and can see the girls only on the weekends" Logan says with an evil chuckle as he goes and gets more information for the courts to prove that he should have main guardianship over the girls

Logan goes and gets three nice dresses for the girls to wear the day that they go to court, so they look presentable for the judges, and for the hury

"Mommy is funny isn't she" Erin says as she tickles the twins causing them to giggle with laughter

Dillion and Mackenna were identical with the way they were, and how Logan dressed them cause he always tried to get them to match

"Isabel would you want to come with me to the mall to get a pretty dress?" he calls up to his daughter

Isabel comes running down with cupcake who was following her

"Yes daddy i would like a new dress" Isabel says happily

"That's good cause we are going to need one cause daddy is taking papa to court, so he could have custody over you girls" Logan says as they head out the door to go to the mall to go shopping for new dresses, and a new shirt and tie for Logan to wear in the courtroom the day of the hearing

"I want to sat with you daddy i don't want to go to my other daddy who didn't want cupcake in the picture at all" she says as she hugs him really tight

"I know you do remember you got to turn on that charm for the judge, so i can keep you with me" he says as he follows her out to the car, so they could go to the mall to get the dresses, and nice dresses socks and shoes for the girls to wear in the court room that day

(Court day)

"After breakfast Isabel I want you to go upstairs and put on your pretty dress that you picked out to wear in the courtroom today" Logan says as he finishes feeding the twins their breakfast since the twins and Isabel woke up around the same time that moring for some strange reason that Logan couldn't understand

"Okay daddy" Isabel says as she finishes her breakfast like a good little girl

Logan cleans the twins up and takes them upstairs, so he could get them ready, and then he was going to get himself ready to go to the court house, so he could get this over with once and for all

"Now to get you two prettied up, so mommy can keep you with him cause i don't you two want to go with daddy" Logan says as he carries the babies to get ready to go to the courthouse as well


"Logan do you want me to come with you to the courthouse?' Erin asks him

"Yes cause while we are there we might as well get married cause Isabel sees you as her mommy already, and i see you as my wife" he says as he carries the twins out to the van, so they could get buckled in for the ride to the courthouse

The ride to the courthouse was filled with music, talking, and cooing from the babies cause they were very happy that morning, and Logan couldn't understand why the twins were so happy


"Park right here Logan" Erin tells him

Logan parks where Erin told him to park at, so that they could go in and get the hearing underway for the girls cause he was ready to have all the girls have Henderson as their last name instead of Schmidt

"Ready to get this on Henderson?" Kendall asks him when he sees Logan enter the courthouse with the girls and Erin in tow

"Ready to see you lose all visitation to see the them" Logan says as Kendall closes the elevator door cause Logan had the stroller, and he didn't have rooms for all of them to ride upstairs to the courtroom

"Logan you got this" Erin tells him

"Yeah i do" Logan says as he hits the up button on the elevator, so they could go up

Isabel wanted to take the stairs, and Erin went with her while Logan rode the elevator with the babies who were in the stroller

"Hey princess" kendall says when he sees Isabel

"Mean daddy" she tells him as she stays close to Erin while they waited on Logan to come up with the babies

"She told you what you are, and i don't think she wants to stay with you ever Kendall" Erin says as she sits on the bench while they wait to go in the courtroom

(After the hearing)

"Logan I am so proud of you" Erin says as she kisses Logan cheek as they left after the judge ruling of letting Logan have full custody of the girls

"Thank you now let's get married cause I am feeling very lucky right now" he says as he goes down with Isabel while Erin rode the elevator with the babies

"I love this new you" she says as she purrs at him

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