Bringing Kenna home

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Logan was really excited when MacKenna was released from the hospital. He couldn't wait to hold her in his arms once more cause he missed her snuggles most of all

"Logan I am going to take Isabel with me" Erin says as she comes into Mackenna hospital room with Isabel

"Okay bye princess I will see you later on tonight cause I am coming back to stay with you" he says as he hugs her tight

"Bye daddy I love you" Isabel says to him

"I love you too princess" he says as he watches her leave the room with Erin

"Hey Logie" Kendall says as he comes in with little Dilly who was in her stroller

"Hey" Logan says as he gives Kendall a kiss after he came into the room

"Kenna looks like she is feeling loads better" Kendall says to Logan

"Yeah and I can't wait to bring her home and love her once again" Logan says as he finishes dressing Kenna in a cute outfit to wear home

"Me either" Kendall says as he gets little Dillion out cause she wanted to be held by daddy at the moment

"Hi DIllion" Logan says when he sees his other daughter

Dillion reached out to him cause she wanted to be held too

"Okay I'll hold you" he says as he takes Dillion from Kendall while Kendall pais attention to Kenna who was still in her crib

"Logan I think we should get married cause I do not want to lose you ever again like i did, and this time I will let Isabel have Cupcake in the house cause I see that she takes care of that dog of hers" Kendall says to Logan

"I think we need to work up to that cause she doesn't earn your trust yet" Logan says as he plays with Dillion cause Dillion wanted to play with papa for a bit

"Yeah I'll take her out once and a while" Kendall says to Logan

"We need to work on her birthday party still" Logan says as he thinks of Isabel's birthday that was coming up soon

"Oh yeah I forgot" Kendall says to him

"Why don't you take her shopping for her birthday, so you two can spend time together" Logan suggest to him

"I think i will after we get Kenna settled back in at the house" Kendall says as he picks Kenna up

"Are you sleepy Dilly?" Logan asks when he sees the baby girl rub her eyes

She nods

"It's okay mommy is right here" Logan says as he rubs her back cause when he did that she will automatically fall right asleep on his shoulder

"Dillion is such an easy baby" Kendall says when Logan lays Dillion in the stroller after she went to sleep

"She was always the easy baby" Logan says as he covers little Dillion up, so she wouldn't get cold at all

"I think we should have another baby" Kendall announces to Logan

"The babies are barely a year old and i think it is a little sudden that you want another baby" Logan says as he takes Kenna from Kendall

"Why not it's perfect timing the girls are going to be a year old this year, and Isabel will be strating preschool" Kendall says as he sits down next to Kenna bed

"It's too soon yet maybe when the twins are older and are close to preschool age we can have another one" Logan says when the nurse comes in with Kenna's papers cause she was going to be dicharged soon

Logan signs his name and puts Kenna in with her sister, and him and Kendal head out of the hospital with their girls in tow

"Okay Kenna mommy is going to put you in your car seat, so you can go home and not be in the hospital anymore" Logan says as he puts Kenna in her car seat

Kenna squeals with delight as mommy put her in her car seat

"You sure are a happy baby aren't you" Logan says as he kisses her nose

Kenna continues to squeal cause she loved mommy

"You are next Dilly girl" Logan says as he puts her next to her sister, so they could head home with both girls

When DIllion heard the noise she woke up and she wasn't happy about that at all

"Kenna we have to be quiet cause Dillion is trying to sleep" Kendall says as he folds up the stroller and puts it in the trunk, so they could head home

Kenna didn't want to listen to mommy

"Kenna you are being a very bad girl" Logan says as he tries to settle Dillion back down, so she could go back to sleep on her own without help from mommy

Kenna still wasn't listening to mommy at all

"What are we going to do about her?" Kendalla sks Logan

"I do not know right now" Logan says as he gets in the car between the twins to help keep Kenna quiet and Dillion happy cause she loves to sleep 

Kenna was playing with her toys and making a lot of noise, and that made DIllion very upset

"Dillion we do not hit" Logan says when Dillion hit mommy cause she couldn't hit Kenna

"Let's hope the rest of the car ride goes smotth" Kendall says from the front seat where he was driving

"Yeah I hope so too cause this is killer on the girls" Logan says as he tries to have Kenna ccalm down a little bit

(Kendall's place)

"Here we are Kenna home sweet home" Logan says as he gets her out of her car seat and brings her into the house

Kenna was really glad to be back home with her mommy and daddy

"I am going to put you in your saucer to play for a little bit while I help daddy bring in your suitcase that you had when you were in the hospital" Logan says as he places Kenna in her saucer to play with her toys cause she wasn't settling down anytime soon at all

"Okay Dillion mommy is going to put you in your crib since daddy has everything that we have to looks at for Kenna" Logan says as he gets her out of her car seat and brings her into the house to sleep while Kenna plays in her saucer while Kendall and Logan look over paperwork that was brought home with Kenna when she was released from the hospital

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