Shopping 4 Abby and Camille

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"Okay Dillion and Kenna who is riding in the back with sissy this morning? As we go shopping for Abby and Camille since they are going to be staying with us for a little while until their grandparents are out of the hospital, and are all better once they are all better Abby and Camille will go back to them, and if they ain't better me and daddy will adopt them and they will be apart of our family, and they will be your new sisters" Logan asks the babies as they come out of the house and to the huge van that they had for the girls cause Kendall wanted to expand the family down the road and they wanted to have room for the car seats and the girls won't be on top of each other plus the vans had a DVD player, so they could watch movies as Kendall drives, so they don't bug daddy too much at all

Kenna let out some strong protest babbles for mommy that morning cause she wanted to ride in the back with her sister and her new best friend and not with her twin that morning cause every time that they go away she has to ride with her sister in the middle of the van

"Okay Kenna you can ride in the back with your sister this morning when we go shopping" Logan says as he puts her in the back of the van in her car seat that was by Izzy

Soon Dillion let out some protest too cause she wanted to ride with her sister too, and not with the baby in the middle

"Abby are you okay being up by your sister this morning? Since the twins want to clearly ride with their sister out of the blue" Logan asks her as he switches car seats around in the back of the van so the twins could ride with their sister that morning as they go shopping

Abby didn't mind being moved but she was still able to turn around and talk to her friend as they headed for the store that morning to get what her and Camille needed while their grandparents were recovering from their accident

"Okay you two you guys can be by Isabel and play with her, but be nice okay for mommy and daddy " Logan says as he puts the twins in their car seats that was next to Isabel in the van

The twins were really happy about that a lot cause they loved their sister, and they could not wait to annoy her as they head to the store to go shopping for their guests

"Well the girls are happy about this set up Logie" Kendall says as he buckles Camille in the car seat that they had saved from the twins cause the twins have a bigger car seat now since they are bigger

"Yeah they are" Logan says as he buckles Abby in the car seat that he got from the parents car the night before, so she was secured in the van until they could get her a different car that was all her own just in case the grandparents don't make it, or they have to go to a nursing home to live

Camille did not like being in her seat at all cause it wasn't her car seat and her grandparents weren't buckling her in at all, and it was a stranger that was buckling her in a different car seat

"Camille it's okay sweetie you have to be in it for safety purposes and then you can get out little one" Kendall says to her as he tries to calm her down a little bit, so she could go back in the car seat, so she was safe and sound as Kendall drove

"I'll get in with her and then we can head out on our shopping journey, and I can hold her since she is quite fussy" Logan says as he he gets in and closes the doors on the van after he got everyone buckled in

Kendall hands Logan the baby that was not happy at all at the moment cause she did not want the car seat, and she wanted to be held 

"Camille it's okay sweetie you are with mommy Logan" Logan says as he rocks her gently in his arms to soothe her as Kendall got in the van, so they could go shopping for what they will need for the girls

Camille started to settle down after a while as Logan rocked her gently

"Her cries are gone" Kendall says as they head to the store

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