Abby visits her grandparents

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Kendall was going to watch the other three girls while Logan took Abby & Camille to the hospital so they could see their grandparents that day before they had their medicine and end up going to sleep for the better part of the day or go to therapy to help them heal and get better

"Abby you ready to go to the hospital to see your grandparents big girl huh? cause I know you have been pretty blue since we had to leave them at the hospital last night cause we couldn't have you guys stay longer due to visiting hours" Logan asks her after the family had came back from shopping that morning so they had everything that they need for a while cause they didn't know how long the girls will be with them, and if they will be the girls permanent family if their grandparents health goes down and they can't care for the girls at all anymore, and they had a family that was going to care for them

"Ready" she says as she goes to Logan who had the baby who had fallen right to sleep after he had fed her when he came home and changed her as well so she didn't stink when she saw her grandparents that day

"That's my girl in your car seat so we can head to the hospital to see your grandparents, so they can see you and Camille and you can tell them about your morning so far with your temporary family, and what is planned for the rest of the day with us cause we are going to be doing a lot like go shopping some more and going to the park as well, so you can go and play on the playground a little bit and we are going to have a picnic at the park later for supper tonight" he says as he helps her into her car seat so they could head to the hospital and hopefully the grandparents were up so they could visit for a little bit that morning, and then they weren't going to go back to the hospital until later on in the evening so the grandparents could do the girls bedtime routine with them before they head to bed that night, so the girls felt love by their grandparents

Abby was excited to see her grandparents again that morning, and tell her about her first night and her first morning with her new family

"We ain't going to keep you from seeing your grandparents at all, and for any longer then what you should" he says as he kisses her little nose making her smile cause she was happy about that a lot

Logan got into the front seat after Kendall had taken everything into the house so he can work on Camille's nursery a little bit while he was gone and Izzy could figure out where Abby's bed could go in her room cause Abby and her were going to be room mates for a little while and she wanted the room to be just so they had room to move around and more furniture could be added later if they wanted too. Plus Izzy had to figure out where Abby's clothes were going to go in her walk in closet that she has in her room, so Izzy was going to be kept busy for sure with that

(Skip care ride)

"Okay Abby here we are" Logan says as he parks the van in one of the parking spots at the hospital

"I see nana" Abby says when she sees her grandma up in the hospital room looking down at her when Logan pulled into the hospital with the girls that morning, so the grandparents could see them and be with them as well

"She must be glad to see you this morning Abby and Camille as well" he says as he gets the stroller out for Camille, so she could still sleep peacefully in the stroller as they head into the hospital to see their grandparents

Once Abby was out she waved to nana who waved back at her

"Come on sweet girl let's go see nana" he says as he takes her into the hospital

Abby was so excited to see her grandparents

"Abby would you like to get them a balloon or something to help brighten up their hospital room?" he asks as they enter the hospital and they see the huge gift shop 

Abby nods as she sees the balloons that she wanted her grandparents to have in their hospital room while they were recovering


"Your grandparents are going to be so happy to see the balloons that you have picked out for their hospital room" he says as they head for the elevator to head up to the room

Abby was full of excitement as they headed up to see her grandparents

"Settle down Abby we have to see if you are allowed to see them first cause you are underage" he says as the elevator stops on the floor that her grandparents were on

Logan looks down to see if Camille was still asleep or if she woke up from her slumber

"Hey sugar did you have a good sleep huh?" he asks as he brushes the hair on her head, so she looked presentable for her grandparents when she saw them that morning as well after leaving them last night

"Yes can we head in to see these cuties grandparents?" he asks the nurse at the desk since the floor was locked for visitors 

"How old are they?" she asks him

"Three and a newborn almost a month old" he says as he looks down at Camille who was looking around at where she was at right now and looking at Logan

"I'm sorry they ain't allowed into the ward, but since I see balloons and flowers I'll have the visitor or visitors come to you, so you guys can be with them" the nurse says as she heads to the grandparents room to get them and bring them down to see Abby and Camille

Logan was grateful that Abby was going to see her grandparents and she wasn't going to have a broken heart

"There's my number girl" the girls grandmother says when she sees them

"Nana" Abby says as she runs to her nana with all of the balloons in her arms still

Logan gave the grandmother the flowers

"Thanks Logan and i see Abby behind all of those balloons" the grandmother says to them

"Yes she is" he says with a chuckle

"Abby did you have a good night last night?" the grandmother asked her as she takes some of the balloons away so she could see her granddaughter

"Yes nana i did" Abby says to her grandmother

"That's good what did you do this morning?" the grandmother asked her

"We went shopping" Abby says to her grandmother

"You did you?" the grandmother asked her

"Yeah we got everything that we need for the girls cause I don't want to go into your house to get what we need for the girls every time that they need something" Logan says to the grandmother

The grandmother was pleased that Logan respected her

"Thank you Logan for doing that that way if the girls come back the sizes will be ready for us cause the girls are going to grow while we are recovering. Plus if they can't come back to us you guys are set with them, so all we need to do is sign our rights over to you guys" the grandmother says to them

"Plus i don't like to snoop around for formula for Camille" he says to her

"Her formula what she is on it's a special formula that is at the house and I have to go back and get it for you cause she has a sensitive stomach" the grandmother says to Logan as she sees if she can go home for a little bit

The grandmother wasn't allowed to leave at all to get the formula that Camille needed to grow and develop properly while she was in the hospital recovering from the accident

"We can wait a bit since the hospital has the keys to the car and to the house" Logan says to the grandmother 

"Okay" she says

V & C

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