Isabel turns 4 part 2

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"Okay now Isabel we got to take you to preschool now" Logan says as the family got done with breakfast that morning

Isabel was excited to go to preschool that day

'After this you will have one more year of preschool and then you are off to kindergarten" Erin says to the little girl as they left the restaurant to take her to preschool that morning

"I can't believe that she will be in kindergarten in a year" he says as he buckles the twins in their car seat, so Isabel can go to preschool that morning

"Logan we have one more year then she is off to kindergarten" Erin says to him as she helps with the girls

'Yeah" he says as he gets in the driver's seat and heads to Isabel's preschool to drop her off and then he had to go home to get the treats for her class to have for snack time that day


"It looks like we just got here in the nick of time" he says as the line started to wrap up with parents dropping off their kids for preschool that morning

"Bye Isabel me and daddy will see you after school" Erin says as they got closer to the door where the teacher was waiting for them

"Daddy, mommy I don't have my treats for my class" Isabel says when she doesn't see the treat box in the car with them

"Isabel calm down me and mommy will bring it up cause we are going to get punch and cups and gift bags for your class" he says to her

"Logan we better get out of here, so Isabel doesn't have a meltdown" Erin says as Logan moves up in the line-up

"Hi Isabel" a teacher says when she opens the door for the little girl that morning

"Too late" he says to Erin

"What's too late?" the teacher asks as she unbuckles Isabel from her car seat that was in the car

"We left her treats at home cause today is her birthday" he says to her

"That's okay we have treats that we can make and punch and everything, so there is no need for you to come back up here" the teacher says as she gets Isabel out of her car seat and brings her into the school

"No I want my treats" Isabel says as she runs back to the car and buckles herself in her car seat

"Isabel we can make your treats for you since it is your birthday" the teacher says as she gets Isabel out of the car once again

"No I don't want the schools treats I want my treats" Isabel says as she starts to cry and throws a tantrum and kicks the teacher

"We will be right back" he says as he starts to drive away from the school to go back to the Henderson house to ge Isabel her treats that Erin made for her class

Erin shuts the door when they got at the end of the road

"Stop at the store and I can get punch and cups for her class" Erin says to Logan

"Will do I'll drop you off at the store and you get get everything for Isabel's class and the punch and the cups while I go home and get the treats for Isabel's class" he says to her

"Right and I will head to the party store next to the store to get the goodies for the goody bags" Erin says to him

Logan drops Erin off at the store and heads home to get Isabel her treats

'It's okay princess everything is going to be okay me and mommy are going to take care of everything for you, so you are happy on your birthday love bug" he says as he continues to head back to the house to get Isabel her treats for her class that day at school

"Thank you daddy" she says with a sniffle

"You are quite welcome love bug" he says as he continues to head home to get her treats that Erin made the night before for her birthday

(Henderson house)

"Stay here princess daddy will be right back and he will get you your treats for your class" he says as he stops the van and goes inside to get her treats for her class

"Okay daddy" she says as she gets out cause she wanted to change her shirt a little bit and she wanted to look better for school that day

"Come here princess and daddy will straighten you up for school" he says as he helps her put on a better shirt and does her hair a little bit better

Logan puts on some of Erin's make-up on Isabel, so she looks better and hasn't looked like she has been crying a lot

'There you go princess now daddy wants to put on your party hat for school?" he asks her

She nods

"Okay hold still" he says as he puts it on her head and takes a picture of her

Once Isabel had her treats she was a happy camper once again

"Now to get mommy and we will take you to school" he says as he takes her out to the van to buckle her in, so she could go back to school

Logan transfer the babies to the van, so they could go get Erin

(Party store)

Erin was finishing up the gift bags when Logan pulled up

"Here sweetie let me help you" he says as he gets out to help her with the treat bags

"Thank you babe" Erin says as she gets in while he loads the van up with everything that Erin got for the class

Erin fixes her make-up as Logan drove back to Isabel's preschool

"Logan did you put make-up on Isabel?" Erin asks him

"Yeah she looked a mess, so i put a little blush and eye liner on her, so her eyes wouldn't look so puffy and blood shot from crying so much" he says as he continues to head to isabel's preschool

"That's fine I am okay with that" Erin says as they continue to head to Isabel's preschool

Logan and Erin talk as they continue to head back to the preschool

"it looks like a different teacher is outside this time" Erin says to Logan

"Hey Isabel you look pretty today" the teacher says as she gets Isabel out of the car seat

"Thank you Isabel says to the teacher

"Is today your birthday?" the teacher asks her

"Yes it is and we have everything for the class party cups, punch, and gift bags for Isabel" Logan says as he gets out to get the punch and the party stuff

The teacher asks for another teacher to come and get everything that Logan had in his arms, and take it to Isabel's classroom

"Bye princess we will see you after school" Erin says to her as Isabel heads into the school with the teacher

"Bye mommy" Isabel says to her as she heads in and to her classroom with the teacher that was outside 

"Bye princess have a good day" he says as he shuts the trunk on the van

"Bye daddy" she says to him as the teachers that had everything brought it into the school for her party that day

"She isn't my little girl anymore" Logan says as he gets in the van, so him and Erin and the twins could go home

"No she isn't Erin says as they head home for now until later when Isabel was done with school that day and take her out to lunch for her birthday

"Now to make more treats for her afternoon preschool class" he says as he drives home

"I got to do this again" Erin asks him

"Yes but I am going to help you after we decorate for her party" he says as he kisses her

"That's good you better Henderson" she says as she hits his arm

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