Kendall pops the question part 2

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"Remember the plan girls" Kendall says as he followed behind with the babies that were napping cause they started to get cranky at the fourth store and Kendall knew he had to keep the older ones happy as well cause it was taking a toll on them as well

Izzy and Abby nodded as they had their ice cream as they came into the store to look for the ring that was perfect for papa and something that stood for the kids that they had and Kendall wanted to put something inside of it

"Daddy will this work for papa?" Izzy asks when she found the perfect ring for papa

"Yes Izzy this will be perfect for papa cause it has 8 little diamonds that can stand for each of you girls and three extra can be for the babies that are going to be coming into our lives and which you guys picked out some cute outfits for the babies as well" Kendall says as he was looking at the ring that Izzy had picked out for papa

Kendall had something engraved in it and the ring was going to be ready in two weeks which was perfect for Kendall cause it bought him some more time to get everything together for the proposal cause he wanted it be romantic for Logan and he didn't want to lose Logan again like he did the first time

"Okay girls I think two certain preschoolers asked for their ears to get pierce" Kendall says after he had paid for the ring and everything

Izzy and Abby were really excited to get their ears pierced for the first time and that they were going to hug their stuffed animals as they were getting it done as well

Kendall knew this was just the start with them and it was going to lead to something more with those girls as they were going to get older in life, but they have to be careful with them so they don't get put in with the wrong crowd when they start school in the fall cause there will be kids that will talk the girls into anything, and they have to protect the girls at all cost as they grow up and turn into beautiful young ladies, and they will have to protect the babies as well as they grow up cause there are mean people out there in the world 

(Couple of days later)

"James, Carlos thanks for watching the kids again for us" Kendall says as he was getting ready for the night out cause that was the night he was going to pop the question to Logan and he had the romantic dinner set up some place and the girls were going to be a part of it later on in the evening

"Welcome Kendall are all of the car seats in one car?" James asks him

"Yes they are and i got to get going if I want to get Logan to our spot in time" Kendall says as he looks at his watch

"Kendall it's going to be great Logan will say yes cause you guys have these great girls together and you will be adding three more babies to the mix soon" Carlos says to him as he went to see the babies that were playing with their toys happily  

Kendall went to see if Logan was ready to go out 

"Logan come on we're going to be late" Kendall says as he came in to see Logan

"Kendall i can't go cause nothing fits anymore" Logan says as he was looking at all of the pants that he was trying on, and they could not button or zip due to his belly 

"Logan you are perfect and you are carrying our three little miracles inside of you, and that what makes you really beautiful no matter what" Kendall says as he was touching Logan's growing stomach where the triplets were 

Logan smiled as he looked at Kendall

"I don't care if I got to get you bigger pants cause I love you and our babies all the same" Kendall says as he kissed Logan on the lips cause he loved Logan

"I'll put on the sweatpants that i had when I was pregnant with the twins cause those still fit" Logan says as he went to his closet and got the pants that he was going to wear out to dinner with Kendall

Kendall waited so he could help Logan to the car so they could head out to dinner, and since it was a secret location he didn't care what Logan wore to dinner

'Have the babies been moving a lot? Kendall asks Logan as they were heading to the spot 

"A little bit off and on here and there" Logan says as he was feeling each of the babies move within him

"That's good I can't wait to see what we are having soon" Kendall says to Logan

"Me either it will make it easier so we can think of names and the nursery as well as the time gets closer" Logan says as he was relaxing as they headed to where Kendall had the dinner set up for just the two of them 

(Secret location)

"Kendall this is so romantic" Logan says when he saw where they were at 

"I think it is come on let's head in and I will start cooking supper for the two of us" Kendall says as he helped Logan out of the car since Logan could not get up as much as he used to 

Kendall got the fire going before he went to the kitchen to get supper ready cause he wanted this to be very romantic and just be the two of them for now

"Kendall this place is amazing" Logan says after he came from the bathroom

"I know it's going to be our vacation spot when we come out here with the girls and wait to you see what it looks like on the lake" Kendall says to Logan

Logan couldn't believe that they were close to a lake and they could take the girls fishing when they were older

"Sparkling?" Kendall asks Logan as he hands him the beverage 

"Thanks Kenny" Logan says as he took the beverage in question as Kendall went back to cooking supper for the two of them that night

Logan was going to relax a little bit while Kendall was cooking dinner for the two of them which was nice and Logan was wondering what Kendall had planned

"Kenny it smells amazing" Logan says as he was smelling dinner from the kitchen 

"Thanks Logan" Kendall says to him as he was making dinner  that night 

Kendall had supper ready in no time and they ate dinner quietly and just enjoyed each other's company 

"How are the babies?" Kendall asks Logan

"Okay right now" Logan says as he looks at his bump that was ever growing 

"That's good" Kendall says as they were eating supper that night by candle light 

They toasted their love for each other and the girls as well that night as they were having their dinner

"Logie what are you hoping for with the babies?" Kendall asks him

" I want them to healthy is all that matters I don't care if it all boys all girls a mix I'll be happy either way" Logan says as he was having his dinner that night a little bit and looking at his bump

"Me too I want them to be healthy and it doesn't matter who they are" Kendall says as they kissed as they were having their dinner that night and watching the sun set outside 

Logan smiles as he looks at Kendall cause he was a lucky guy

V & C

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