Finding out the gender or genders

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Logan had a small basketball for a baby bump, and he was fine with that

"Morning Dilly" he says to his belly

Dillion moved within him

"Today is the day that I find out if you are going to be a boy or a girl, but I know you are a girl with the way you move" he says to his belly

Logan had to start wearing sweatpants or stretch pants cause of his baby bump

"Would you like some breakfast Dilly girl? Since you slept through the night without waking mommy up" he says when he got dressed

She moves again

"I take that as a yes come on pumpkin" he says as he heads downstairs to make himself breakfast

Logan takes his prenatal vitamins, so she can continue to grow

"After breakfast mommy will go shopping for your nursery" he says as he continues to make breakfast for himself

After he are he was still hungry

"Okay Dilly mommy will give you more food" he tells his stomach

After Dillion had her belly full Logan put on his woman clothes, so he could go shopping for the nursery

(Baby store)

Logan decided to go look at cribs and bedding for Dillion

"This looks like a pretty crib for you sweet girl" he says when he sees a standard crib that was a dark color

Logan decides on that crib for little Dillion

"Now to look at rocking chairs, so I can rock you to sleep baby girl" he says as he starts looking at rocking chairs for the nursery

"Hey, Logan, what are you doing here?" Kendall asks when he saw Logan

"I'm here shopping for little Dillion Marie. What are you doing here?" Logan asks Kendall

"Shopping for our little girl I realized that I love her just as much as you do, and I want to be involved in her life if you let me?" Kendall asks Logan

"Of course, you can today is the big day when we find out if we are having a little boy or a little girl" Logan says as they keep shopping for things that they will need when the baby comes

Kendall and Logan get strollers, car seats, bottles, binkies, and anything else that they would need when the baby comes

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Logan asks Kendall

"Totally ready I can't picture my life without you, or our little girl" Kendall says putting his hand on Logan's bump

When they returned to Logan's place Kendall started on assembling the furniture for the baby

"Later Dilly we find out if you are a boy or a girl" Logan says laying down on the couch to take a nap


"Hey, Logan, is this the baby daddy?" Dr. Buttercream asks Logan

"Yes, he is" Logan says happily

"Get up on the table and we will see the baby" she tells him

Logan lifts his shirt to expose his belly

"Well, well it looks like the first baby has some company cause it looks like you are having twins, and by the looks of things both babies are healthy" she tells him

Logan was excited for the twins, but Kendall was shocked that they are having twins

"Would you two like to know the genders?" Dr. Buttercream asks

Logan nods

"Congrats both babies are little girls" she says to the two parents

Kendall sheds some tears that he will have two little princesses to love

"I can't believe we are having twins" Logan says as they head home

"Neither I can't wait until Dillion and baby number 2 is here" Kendall says as he keeps driving

"What should we call the second baby?" Logan asks as he rubs his bump

"Makenna or Kenna?" Kendall says

"I love Makenna and she can have a earth middle name" Logan says

"How about Makenna Silver?" Kendall asks him

The second baby moves from where she was

"She likes it" Logan says as he feels Makenna move inside him

"We have Dillion Marie and Makenna Silver" Kendall says as they continue to head home

"Yup our two little princesses" Logan says to him

Kendall takes Logan to a house that he bought for him and Logan

"Logie I did a nursery for Dillion, but I can add another crib and everything in here if need be" Kendall says to him

"Our girls will have the perfect life here" Logan says as he sits in the rocking chair and rocks a little bit

"Yeah, I can't wait to put their names on the wall above their cribs" Kendall says

"Neither can i" Logan says as he rocks

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Next is Lamaze, and that chapter is up 

There is a tie with this one and the one before it and it is driving me nuts so maybe next week we will continue 

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