Part 5

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The kids found out that the cemetery was being sold so they had to pick either cremate their parents or entomb their parents and they were going to go with option two and they were going to find a mausoleum that had opening for two caskets cause they wanted their parents to be together full force so they were going to see about a huge entombment for their parents if not they were going to go side by side or up and down cause that was going to be the best bet for everyone right now

"I guess the search is on for a mausoleum that still has openings" the one says as they were going to search every single mausoleum to see if they have any openings in the same ballpark or close to it cause they were going to go diagonal

All of the kids were going to be calling every single mausoleum to see if they had any openings and many of them did not have space next to each other or close to each other so they were going to keep trying and one of the kids saw that there was a new mausoleum opening soon and they had plenty of openings, so they were going to go with that one for their parents burial and they could do fake flowers here and there to make it look like their parents were not forgotten about here and there as well cause they hated to forget about their parents after they have been buried and put in their tomb as well so they were going to gather every year on their anniversary of their death and do something special as well to mark the occasion as well cause they did not want to forget about their parents as well after they were buried


"Okay now we can meet with the funeral home to plan the funerals and then go from there as well" the one son says as he was taking charge of this whole thing cause the girls were a total wreck right now and they could not handle anything and he understood that as ell cause the final part will come and that is burying them and the girls won't take it easy they will take it very hard when the parents will be sealed up after the service was over

Everyone was in agreement that planning the funeral was at the top of the list cause they had to pick the day for visitation and for the funeral as well and get a hold of the local veterans of foreign wars for proper military honors as well for their dad or father in-law in this case as well cause he had fought in the local war cause they had to do visitation one day for one and burial as well then do the other one maybe the visitation the same day as the one burial and the burial the next day as well cause there was a slim chance that they could the burials on the same day as well as the visitation as well

"Now to get a hold of the funeral home that they are at and go and plan the calling hours and the funerals and do the obituaries as well and try to get a picture of them together for the local paper as well" the one says as they were going to go and work on the obituaries for the funeral home cause they had to list everything like work experience and how they died as well which was not going to be easy either

The kids were going to go and pick out the outfits for their parents and see where the funeral home was of course so they knew where they were going to be going to plan the funeral and they were going to see about the local VFW to see if they could do military honors for their dad as well since he served he deserves to go out in a blaze of glory as well cause he had earned that title as well and nothing was going to stop him either from getting those honors as well

(Next day)

The kids were going to plan the calling hours and the funerals as well cause it was not going to be easy putting their parents or in-laws to rest on the same day as well cause that was going to take everyone down as well especially the girls and the grandkids cause all of the grandkids were going to be at the calling hours and the funerals as well and Kendall and Logan was going to be there as well cause they had helped raise two of the grandkids after the car accident months ago for the grandparents cause it was too much on the grandparents

Happy Holidays and happy new year everyone

Part 6 will come when I don't work over the day before hopefully 

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