The big moment

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Isabel has settled into her new life slowly, and Kendall and Logan didn't mind if she was slow easing into her new life. Once adjusted Isabel loved being with daddy and papa who loved her for who she was. Once Isabel was fully settled Logan knew it was a matter of time before the twins made their appearance.

"Papa" Isabel calls one day when Kendall was at the studio

"What princess?" Logan asks her

"Can you play tea party with me?" she asks him

"Sure I'll be right there" he says as he goes and gets the cookie display tray from the cupboard

"Wear this boa too papa" she says handing him a pink boa

As Logan was reaching for the tray he was hit with a pain, so he brushes it off as Braxton hicks. When he was almost near the playroom he was hit with another pain

"I better start timing these things just in case it's the real thing" he says grabbing a pad and pen before going to the playroom for the tea party

"Right on time papa" she says when Logan enters the playroom

"Wouldn't miss it for the world" he says as he sits down and has tea with Isabel

During the tea party he had those pains come, and they would last for a minute or two before going away

"Papa are you okay?" she asks him

"Just fine sweetie thanks for asking" he tells her before another pain hits

Logan didn't want to tell Isabel that her sisters were coming, so he kept to himself

"That was a lovely tea party Isabel we must do this again" he says as he gets up to do the dishes

"Yes we must" she says as she helps clean up her mess

After the tea party Isabel wanted to cuddle up with papa and watch a movie

"Papa can I watch a movie?" she asks him

"Sure pick one out and I'll be in soon" he tells her

While Logan was putting the dishes in the dishwasher he calls Kendall to tell him he was in labor and the girls were coming whether they want to or not.

"Got the movie papa" she calls to him

"I'll be right there" he calls back

When he was done with the dishes he joined Isabel on the couch for her movie. During the movie Logan times the contractions and breaths through the pain and tries not to moan too much from the contractions


"Okay Isabel time for your nap" Logan says when the movie was over

"Can you sleep with me papa, so I'm not scared?" she asks him

"Sure princess" he tells her

Logan laid next to her and fell asleep instantly cause he knew he needed his strength for later for the birth


"I might as well put water in the birthing tub and everything else" Kendall says coming into the house after he got Logan's text about him being in labor

Kendall grabbed blankets and everything from the nursery to wrap the girls up when they were born, and he was sterilizing everything for the home birth, and packing a bag just in case they needed to go to the hospital really fast. Plus he was calling Dr. Buttercream and telling her Logan was in labor. Dr. Buttercream was on the way to see how far along Logan was in his labor

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