Telling Kendall about the dog

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"Sweetie what are you going to call your dog?" Logan asks her he asks her as they leave trick or treat street

"Cupckae" she says papa" she says happily

"That sounds a cute name for your puppy, and now we have to tell daddy about your puppy" he says as he opens the door to the van, so she could get

Isabel goes to her car seat, so papa could buckle her in 

"Papa is going to have your fishy's up where he is, so he can keep an eye on them, so cupcake doesn't eat them" he says as he grabs the fish and takes them with him to the front of the van

"Okay papa" she says happily as she sits back and enjoys the ride

On the way home they stop at the pet store and get bowels, puppy food, brsuh, collar and a leash for Cupcake as well as an I.D, so no one takes her, and a doggy bed for cupcake to sleep in and a kennel for her to stay in when she is bad, and needs to go outside, and a kennel for her to sleep in when she is outside

"Will daddy let me keep cupcake?" she asks as papa puts cupcake in the back of the van, so cupcake doesn't go crazy

"I don't know right now if he does we have everything that cupcakes need" papa says as he buckles her back in her car seat

Isabel plays with cupcake, so cupcake wouldn't whine in the car the whole way to her new home

"Isabel could you sit down in your car seat please?" Logan asks her

Isabel sits down, but stands up to play with cupcake while papa drives

"Isabel do you need to go in time-out when we get home?' Logan asks her

Isabel stays in her car seat the whole way to the house and doesn't move at all

"Cupcake papa isn't letting me play with you, so i have to stay in my car seat like a good little girl" Isabel says when she hears her puppy whine and cry out to her

Cupcake still wasn't happy, so Isabel climbed back to where Cupcake was, so Cupcake wasn't lonely

(Schmidt house)

"Isabel i want you to go to your room, and think about what you just did" Logan says as he brings her into the house

"What happened Logan?" Kendall asks him when Logan brings in the three fishes that she won at trick-or-treat street

"After i put the fishes in the fish tank I'll take you out to the backyard where it is" Logan says as he puts the fishes in the fish tank with the other fish that Isabel won at the Canival that she went to earlier that day

"Okay" Kendall says as he goes and checks on the twins

Once the fish were put in the fish tank Logan goes out and gives Cupcake some food and water and puts her dog house together

"Stay here girl" Logan says as he goes in the house to get Kendall and bring him out, so he could meet Cupcake the dog that Isabel won

Cupcake barks in response

"Logan did i just hear a dog?" Kendall asks him when Logan came back in the house

"Yes Kendall you did and that dog is our dog" Logan says as he bites his lip

"Where is the dog at?" Kendall asks him

"In the backyard" Logan says as he takes Kendall to the backyard to where Cupcake was at

"Logan where did the dog come from?" Kendall asks when he sees the dog

"Isabel won her during trick-or-treat street, and I couldn't giver her back, so we had to bring her with us when we left. On the way home we stopped and got everything that we would need to care for her like toys, food, bowls, kennel, cage, collar, leash, brush and lots more to care for her" Logan says to Kendall

Kendall was not happy that Isabel had a dog when she is only three years old

"Logan we have to get rid of the dog cause we can't have a dog around the babies" Kendall tells him

Logan remebered that they had Mackenna and Dillion to think about

"You're right Kendall we should get rid of her. I hope Isabel is okay with giving Cupcake up" Logan says as he goes into the house

"Did Isabel really name the dog Cupcake?" Kendall asks him

"Yes she did, and I told her we had to talk to daddy about it, and if you don't approve of the dog we can get rid of her, and if you were going to let her keep her I was hoping to go from there" Logan says when he hears Dillion on the baby monitor

Kendall follows Logan in the house cause he knew if Dillion was up that meant Mackenns will be up as well

"Hey baby girl are you hungry i bet you are" Logan says as he picks Dillion up who was crying her head off

Logan changes Dillion cause she had a wet diaper

"It looks like you are starting to get a diaper rash on your little bum there Dilly girl" he says as he applies the cream to her bottom

Once both girls were changed he feeds them

"I'm going to tell Isabel that we can't keep Cupcake" Kendall tells Logan

Logan nods as he feeds the twins their meal

Kendall knew Isabel would not like this at all, but she is too young to hande a dog, and it is too much of a responsibilty at the moment

"Isabel are you in there it's daddy" Kendall says knocking at her bedroom door

Isabell opens her bedroom door for him

"Yes daddy?" she asks him

"I have come to talk to you about Cupcake" he says as he puts her on his lap

"What about Cupcake daddy?" she asks him

"We can't keep her, so we are going to give her up to the local rescues, and they can find her a new home. Right now it will be too much of a responsilibilty on you" he says to her

Isabel didn't like that at all, so she runs to where papa was

"Isabel what is it?" Logan asks her

"Daddy wants to give Cupcake away" she says bawling to him

Logan didn't know what to do at this point

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