Kendall pops the question part 3

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Kendall had supper ready in no time and they ate dinner quietly and just enjoyed each other's company that evening without the kids or the babies bugging them cause it was going to change soon when the triplets came into the picture and they won't have an evening to themselves much cause it will be focused around the babies and the other kids as well

"How are the babies doing tonight Logie?" Kendall asks Logan as they were eating dinner that night

"Okay right now just resting and kicking and moving every now and then here and there" Logan says as he looks at his bump that was ever growing with the triplets 

"That's good" Kendall says as they were eating supper that night by candle light

They toasted their love for each other and the girls as well that night as they were having their dinner

"Logie what are you hoping for with the babies boys? girls? a mix" Kendall asks him

" I want them to healthy is all that matters I don't care if it all boys all girls a mix I'll be happy either way as long as they are healthy and don't have to go to the NICU right away after they are born cause I want to be able to hold them in my arms and everything like i did with the twins when they were born" Logan says as he was having his dinner that night a little bit and looking at his bump cause the babies were quite happy with their dinner that night that mommy was feeding them 

"Me too I want them to be healthy and it doesn't matter who or what they are, and if they are different we will still love them just the same as the other kids cause they are our kids and if someone tells us different we won't listen to them at all, and if they want to be transgender they can and we will still love them" Kendall says as they kissed as they were having their dinner that night and watching the sun set outside from where they were cause it was a pretty sight that night and Kendall knew that where he was going to pop the question was going to be lite up with lights so they could find their way back after he had popped the question to Logan that night and they were going to stay the night as well since Logan was pregnant he was going to need his rest as well

Logan smiles as he looks at Kendall cause he was a lucky guy and they had a great family together, and three wonderful babies that were going to be coming into the world soon as well

"Dessert Logan?" Kendall asks him as he was clearing the table that night after dinner 

"I am quite full from dinner, but maybe later on tonight I will have something" Logan says as he had his sparkling cider a little bit after he had his meal cause he was eating for four 

Kendall helped Logan up cause they were going to take a walk outside for a little bit since it was a nice night outside that night

"It is lovely out here" Logan says as he looks at Kendall as they were walking down to the path that was by the house

"I know it is and if we go down this walkway there is a lake close by and we can bring the girls here when they are older" Kendall says as he leads Logan down the rose pedal walkway to the gazebo where the girls were waiting for daddy and papa

Logan was blown away when he saw the rose pedals on the walkway 

"Here we are Logie" Kendall says when they approached the gazebo where the girls were and all of them had a shirt on under their jackets

"Hey my beautiful daughters" Logan says when he saw the girls sitting in the gazebo with their jackets on that night  

All of the girls smiled at him as they started to get in formation as Kendall stood with Logan cause Kendall wanted this to go off without a hitch and go as smooth can be  

"I love the lights that are on the water Kenny they look very pretty" Logan tells him as he looked at the lights 

"I know just like you Logie" Kendall says as he enjoys Logan as he checks to make sure the girls were ready, but the babies weren't cause it was close to their bedtime, so they were getting cranky and fussy a little bit as well, so Kendall had to make this quick 

"Oh thanks Kenny" Logan says as they shared a kiss together as they look at the lighting

"Now turn around" Kendall tells Logan as he got down on one knee to pop the question to Logan cause Kendall didn't want Logan to get away at all

Logan was crying when he saw each of the girls have a word on their shirt and when they lined up it spelled" will you marry our daddy" on it

"Logan Phillip Henderson will you marry me and become Logan Philip Schmidt?" Kendall asks as he was down on one knee with the ring that stood for all of the kids that they had so for and  they could add on it as they expanded their family down the road

Logan was crying tears of joys that night

"Yes Kendall I'll marry you" Logan says as he looked at Kendall after a while

"Girls papa said yes" Kendall says to all of the girl who were watching the scene before them that night cause it was  very beautiful and they were going to have a family that loves and cares about them  

The girls were very excited, but the babies wanted to sleep right now, so they didn't care

"Okay my angels I think it's bedtime for you" Kendall says as he picks up the twins who weren't very happy at all 

Logan got the other babies and they started to walk back to the huge cabin for the night cause the older ones wanted to stay up for a bit that night with their parents after the babies were tucked in their cribs

"Girls we can have s'mores once get back to the cabin" Kendall says to Logan and the girls as they were heading back to the cabin that night

"I think i saw a fondue machine too girls" Logan says to them as they walked  

V & C

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