06 | road to wasabi

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"Milton no!"


"I can't believe you told Rudy that Bobby Wasabi was coming to meet him" Azalea walked up to Jack angrily in the school corridor.

"I can't believe it either. Words just kept exploding out of me. It's like I had a case of 'Liareah'" Jack tried to explain himself.

"Jack, he's never gonna show up and Rudy is gonna be crushed" Azalea told him, she was worried about the way her brother would react if they told him everything was a lie.

"Bobby could show. I mean my grandfather was his sensei. I found his number and I left him a message" Jack tried to be positive.

"Are you ready to comfort him when this goes to hell?" Azalea asked, "Remember how disappointed Rudy was when he lost the 'Name the baby panda contest' at the zoo?"

"Oh I know. He put on his crying boots" Jack thought back. "I know what I said was wrong, but I mean, who's crazy enough to believe that Bobby Wasabi is actually coming to our dojo?"

"I can't believe Bobby Wasabi is actually coming to our dojo!" Jerry screamed as he, Milton and Eddie ran down the stairs.

"That's who."

"Look, sense Bobby is coming for Rudy's birthday we've decided to take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity" Jerry wrapped his arms around the other two boys.

"We spent the whole night in Jerry's garage writing his comeback movie" Eddie said.

"Did you hear that Jackie? Our friends spent all night in a garage writing a comeback movie for Bobby Wasabi" Azalea grabbed his shoulder and glared at him.

"What's so bad about that? What if they wrote a really great movie?" Jack backed away from her, a little scared.

"Oh it's better than great, it's epic" Milton bragged. "Bobby Wasabi is the biggest martial art action star in history."

"And know he will battle with the most diabolical force he has ever faced" Eddie continued.

"Half piranha, half octopus, it's-" Milton started before all three boys yelled, "PIRANHAPUS!"

"Eight arms" Jerry said and the three started to wave their arms like an octopus. "Three mouths" they pretended to chew something. "And one bad attitude" Jerry ended dramatically. The three boys walked away pretending to be a Piranhapuses.

"This is on you Jack!"


Azalea, Jack and Kim walked towards the dojo and were just outside when they saw Milton, Jerry and Eddie in some kind of cat fight. "Hey guys! What are you doing? Stop!" Jack yelled as the trio ran over to pull them apart.

"What's wrong with you three?" Azalea asked.

"This Bobby Wasabi movie is tearing us apart" Milton said angrily as the three sat down on their chairs again with childlike pouts.

"Jack this is crazy" Azalea pulled him a few feet away, "Our friends are fighting about a movie that never will become reality, just tell them the truth."

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