05 | swords and magic

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The gang stood inside the dojo stretching when Jerry burst through the door. "Guys, huge problem!" he said, "Kelsey Vargas, the coolest girl in school, is on her way down here."

"Don't panic, we've trained for this. Guys, bust out the emergency deodorant" Jack said causing Azalea to roll her eyes.

"I don't need deodorant" Jerry said cockily as the other boys ran over to their bags.

"We all need deodorant. We are teenage boys, our bodies are a smörgåsbord of smells" Milton said.

"I don't take any chances. I'm wearing a necklace of air fresheners right now" Eddie showed them his necklace before smelling it, "This week I'm Alpine

"I told Kelsey I was a Martial Arts expert and the youngest sensei in history" Jerry explained.

"You couldn't have gone with something more believable?" Azalea asked, tired of his lying behaviour, "Like: I'm above average at karate."

Just then Rudy walked in to hand Jerry a helmet. "Oh Rudy! Kelsey is on her way, dude please hook me up with that black belt."

"You can't have this belt. It's a symbol of hard work, honor and respect" Rudy said proudly.

"Then why did you use it to walk your dog?" Jack asked.

"That was one time and it was a emergency. I had a pug with a squirts and a new white carpet" Rudy defended himself.

"It really was an emergency" Azalea agreed with her brother, the tidiness of her home was at stake after all. "But you could have used a leach instead."

"Can we stop talking about this and get to sparring please" Rudy tried to change the subject. "Jerry you are up against Kim, Milton you are with Azalea and Eddie you are with Jack."

"Jack?!" Eddie exclaimed in panic and to make it worse for the poor boy Jack did some really complicated movements and ended it all with a flying dragon kick. "Hold on my phone is vibrating. You know I hate to be that guy" he picked up his 'phone'.

"The guy who pretend his wallet is a phone?" Azalea asked, feeling a little sorry for the guy.

"Please, shhh" Eddie said before he walked out of the dojo.

"Guys let's go" Rudy clapped his hands together and they started sparing.

"Hey Jerry" Kelsey Vargas interrupted them when she walked in.

"Kelsey... What a surprise" Jerry said with a terrible fake surprise.

"So these are your students who fear and respect you?" Kelsey asked, her tone doubtful.

"Yes we are" Kim said in a overly sweet voice, "I'm about to fear and respect the living grits out of him right now!"

"No! Not my grits, I need my grits!" Jerry said scared. Kim flipped him over easily and when he stood up he looked pretty dizzy.

"Yeah, I say you got that move down pretty well" Jerry tried to keep his 'Sensei Act' up. "You guys take five. Kelsey and I are gonna get a froyo. Oh come on Kelsey" Jerry said but then he wrapped his arm around Rudy leading him out instead.

"Wrong person honey" Azalea yelled after Jerry and Rudy while giving Kelsey an awkward smile.


Azalea sat in between Jack and Kim by their lockers at school when Jerry walked down the stairs. "Hey! Thanks a lot Kim, you cost me a date with the coolest girl in school."

"What you gonna do Sensei? Throw me out of the dojo?" Kim mocked him.

"Kim in the future, let's respect Jerry enough to not embarrass him in front of girls he is lying to" Jack said.

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