13 | badge of honor

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The gang watched as Jack skated through the mall. "You can do it Jack" Milton cheered.

"What's going on?" Rudy asked, walking out of the dojo.

"Jack's about to do a Hippie Jump over a chair and then a 360 flip over olly" Kim explained.

"That's not Olly, that's Phil" Rudy said pointing at the man on the ground, "And he is gonna get killed."

"I got this baby! First job in my country I was speed bump" Phil said confidently.

"I'm surprised you are allowing him to do this" Rudy turned to his little sister, "You know there is a rule against skateboarding inside the mall, right?"

"Rudy, honey, I know every rule there is in this mall" Azalea told him, "And in my mind I'm at home watching tv series right now. Far away from this."

They all watched as Jack jumped over the chair and Phil before spinning his skateboard around in a pretty impressive move. Everyone clapped as the brown haired boy ran over to high five Phil. Jack then gave an high five to all of his friends and winked towards Azalea who rolled her eyes in response.

"Mind if I snag your axe and take it for a scrape" Rudy asked the boy, trying to act cool, but he only got a confused look from Jack in response. "Your skateboard — can I borrow your skateboard?"

"Have you ever ridden one before Rudy?" Jack asked in disbelief while handing it over.

"I'm a third degree black belt. I think I can handle a little rolling toy" Rudy said arrogantly.

"So in other words: No" Azalea said giving her brother a pointed look.

"Okay, knock yourself out" Jack rose his hands in surrender.

"Not literally" Azalea said but it was too late sense Rudy immediately fell of the skateboard when it rolled away from underneath him.

"I think he just knocked himself out" Eddie groaned.

"This what you get for not listening to me" Azalea patted her brother's back.


The gang walked into the dojo after school. "Hey guys! I've got a very big surprise!" Rudy announced.

"Please tell me you are finally getting the smelly mat cleaned" Milton begged him.

"Yeah, they are so mouldy that every week we have to give them a shave" Jack complained.

"Excuse me?" Azalea asked taking a step of the mat. "How come I didn't know about that."

"Because we knew that if you knew, you wouldn't be able to let it go" Jack pointed out, but Azalea's attention was on the mat.

"That is all I'm seeing now" she confessed, earning groans from her friends.

"Yesterday when I got home, my grandfather got a wiff of me, cried, and said I smelled like the war" Eddie told them.

"I'm not talking about our mats" Rudy said proudly, "I'm talking about this" he pointed at a red curtain on the wall.

"Wow! A wall sheet" Jerry exclaimed, "It's beautiful!"

"It's not a wall sheet" Rudy said in disappointment before ripping of the curtain earning sounds of approval from the teenagers, "It's a brand new, high depth, surround sound, flat screen tv!"

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