69 | the 'stang'

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Azalea laid down on the couch inside the dojo, playing Nonograms on her phone as Jerry entered. "Hey, Lea, Rudy," Jerry greeted but he stopped walking when he saw a very happy Rudy, leaning against a pillar while looking at his watch, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, just cutting expenses by timing everyone's shower," Rudy explained, "Jack has exactly five seconds of hot water left. Three, two and-"

Rudy turned off the hot water and Jack shrieked from inside the shower. Azalea snorted in amusement while Rudy full on laughed, "I love the sound of saving money."

A few seconds later Jack walked out of the locker rooms in a bathrobe with his hair wrapped in a towel. "Again with the hot water, Rudy?" Jack asked angrily, "I know it costs more to run this place than you expected, but these temperature fluctuations are giving me split ends."

"Awe, poor baby," Azalea cooed, standing up to walk towards her boyfriend.

"Do you want to live in a world where I have split ends?" Jack asked angrily. Rudy looked like a scolded child but he didn't do anything to turn on the hot water again.

"If Jack and I showered together, would that give us twice as much hot water?" Azalea speculated and Rudy's expression turned horrified. Without another word he quickly turned on the hot water again. "I thought so."

Azalea smirked and was about to walk away when Jack grabbed her arm, spinning her around to face him, "About that shower-"

"After you screamed like that?" Azalea snorted and when Jack was about to respond she cut him off, "Don't you dare make a joke about making me scream."


"Come on!" Jack said to one of their new students, "Hit the dummy. Here at the Warrior Academy, we are men."

"And women," Azalea added. "Just not here at the moment."

"Yeah, women too. So let me hear you unleash your inner beast," Jack continued and just as the guy was about to punch the dummy, Rudy entered dressed in a blue bodysuit.

"Flap your arms, flap your wings, float like a butterfly," Rudy and his own students jumped around them, waving their arms like they had wings. "Flap your arms, flap your wings, float like a butterfly."

The guys Jack was trying to teach picked up their bags to leave. "No, guys. Come on, you can't just take your heart and go home."

"Oh, good job, girls," Rudy praised his students, "And now let's return to out cooldown cocoons."

Rudy and his girls stretched their arms up in the air before bending over to touch their toes. But Jack had enough so he grabbed Rudy by the arm and dragged him a few feet away.

"Ow! What are you doing, Jack?" Rudy asked in annoyance, "You don't just grab a guy mid-cocoon."

"I don't even want to know what that means," Azalea said.

"What are you doing to our dojo?" Jack asked incredulously.

"What? We needed more money so I found a new type of customer," Rudy explained.

"You have turned the dojo into a mom gym," Jack exclaimed.

"What? That's not true!" Rudy defended himself, "Lois is a grandmother, and Charlene wants kids but her husband wants to wait so they can travel-"

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