04 | dojo day afternoon

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"Alright guys, stand back!" Jack said as they were all standing around him in the dojo. Jack easily broke a board and crossed his arms smugly.

"What's the big deal Jack? You have done that a thousand times" Jerry said unimpressed and the others nodded in agreement.

"Wait for it" Jack said and then he blew out some air. The concrete poles that the board had been placed on turned into dust.

"Wow" everyone chorused impressed.

"Man, I will give you a million bucks if you can do that to my cello" Eddie said. "Players don't play the cello."

"Lucky then that your not a player" Azalea patted his shoulder.

"I will be when I get rid of that dang cello" Eddie said surely. "I'm gonna get a smoothie" he walked out of the dojo.

"I would like a raspberry smoothie player" Azalea shouted after him and her a thumbs up without turning around.

"No, noooo. Don't you die on me! Not now" they heard Rudy shout from inside his office followed by some weird noises. "IT'S NOT YOUR TIME!"

"What's going on in there" Milton asked.

"Rudy's toilet is clogged again" Jack rolled his eyes. The door to his office opened and Rudy walked out wearing orange gloves, fisherman's pants and a helmet with a flashlight.

"Poor Myrtle, I almost lost her" Rudy said sadly, "Twice I had to plunge her back to life!"

"How do you know if a toilet is a boy or a girl?" Jerry asked.

"Don't encourage him" Azalea said tiredly.

"Well you take the top of the tank and then you reach your arm in and then-"

"RUDY!!" Azalea screamed mortified.

"I think I'd rather hear about this in an awkward conversation with my father" Milton said equally mortified.

"Rudy focus! The new owner of the mall is gonna be here any minute" Kim changed the subject and Azalea couldn't be more grateful.

"Hey! You guys gotta check this out!" Eddie enteres the dojo again carrying two smoothies and a piece of paper. "These brochures are all over the place. The new owner is making some big changes."

"Thank you" Azalea took her smoothie from Eddie when she and the others crowded around him to look at the brochure.

"Wow! They finally moved the baby change area out of the food court. And if you ask me that was a big step in the right direction" Kim said in disgust.

"No way! They are brining in a Captain Corndog!" Eddie exclaimed.

"Oh snap, that's a classy joint. My sister got married in a Captain Corndog, the Captain walked her down the plank himself" Jerry said proudly.

"Oh, look at that huge new parking lot" Milton said.

"Wait a minute, where is our dojo?" Rudy said which caused everyone to realise the absent of their own building.

"There is a parking lot where our dojo should be" Eddie said.


Rudy and Azalea stood by the door of the dojo waiting for the arrival of the new owner of the mall and the rest of the gang waited inside.

"Mr Turner, welcome to my dojo" Rudy greeted the man.

"Nice to meet you Rudy. This is my son Arthur" Turner introduces the boy next to him after a quick handshake.

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