19 | the wrath of swan

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Kim all but dragged a reluctant Azalea into the dojo to see Jack climbing up the peg board Rudy had hung up on the wall. Once Jack landed on his feet he turned around to see the two, "Oh hi guys, check out the new pegboard. It's a great upper body workout."

"Oh so that's what that thing is for" Kim said in realisation.

"Yeah, or in Rudy's case he uses it to dry his sweaty socks" Azalea smirked and Jack looked at the peg in his hand in disgust.

"Ew, I knew this peg smelled feety" Jack exclaimed, but instead of putting it down he climbed up the wall again.

Kim shoved Azalea and motioned for her to speak which caused the red head to groan. "So Jack" she started awkwardly, "do you wanna hang out Saturday night?"

"Yes sure what do you wanna do?" Jack answered as he climbed higher and higher up the wall.

"I know what I don't wanna do" Azalea glared at Kim who rolled her eyes.

"Maybe you two can swing by the Riverside Country Club for the Swan's Court Cotillion Ball or something" Kim suggested and Jack fell  down with a groan which caused Azalea to let a laugh while Kim looked at him horror.

"You okay there Jackie?" Azalea laughed.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" Jack told them, "But I'm not going to any ball. I hate tuxedos, I can't dance and — oh one more thing. I'm a dude. Dudes don't do cotillions."

"I don't wanna go either but I am being forced" Azalea told him, "and I hate dresses, am not a fan of dancing and — oh one more thing. I'm a girl and that doesn't mean that I have to like cotillions" she mimicked him, "At least this way we could be miserable together."

"They probably don't have anything to do this Saturday" Jack said and the girls turned to see Milton and Jerry enter the room.

"Actually we got roped into going to Swan's Court Cotillion" Milton explained.

"What really?" Azalea gasped in fake surprise, "Dudes can go to the cotillion?" Jack rolled his eyes at her before turning back to climb up the wall again.

"My mom is making me take her bosses dorky daughter" Milton told them.

"And I'm taking her dorkier friend" Jerry added in the same unenthusiastic voice Milton was talking.

"This might come as a shock to you two, but you aren't exactly the coolest guys on the planet" Azalea said, for some reason most boys had the weird idea that they only could go out with popular girls or models, a totally unrealistic view on life. "So be happy you have dates and don't judge a girl by her looks or status."

"Why are you even going?" Kim asked Jerry.

"Oh, cause Milton is giving me sixty bucks and let me watch his turtles go at it" Jerry explained with a victorious smile.

Azalea and Kim shared a weirded out look just as Rudy exited his office. "Oh Jack, I'm glad you are up there" he said, "The old swamp's foot is kicking up something fierce. Hang these pair of socks up to dry for me, will you?"

Rudy threw the socks to Jack and sense his hands were holding him up they landed on his face, "Ew, they are all wet!" Jack complained.

"It's just a pair of socks dude. Man up" Jerry told him and in response Jack threw one of the socks at him and they landed in his mouth.

Jerry let out a scream before feeling the taste, "It's actually kind of nice."

"And there goes my lunch."


Azalea stood in the lunch que and moved down the line only to bump into Frank. "Frank I'm hungry, what do you want?"

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