11 | boo gi nights

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The entire mall had been decorated for the Boo-Stravaganza and the gang was inside the dojo practicing when Jack entered. "Hi guys! We did a great job decorating, our Halloween festival tomorrow night is gonna be a blast."

"Yeah" Kim agreed, "But can we please change the name from Bo-Stravaganza?"

"No way! I came up with that" Eddie exclaimed. "The 'Boo' part is scary and 'stravaganza' is fancy talk for party" he explained proudly.

"So Jack, you know the Halloween legend about our dojo right?" Kim asked and Azalea had to fight an eye roll at her horrible acting.

"What legend?" Jack asked confused.

"This place wasn't always a dojo. It used to be a butcher shop called Myers Meat" Kim said mysteriously.

"On a hot summer day you can still smell the brisket wafting off the mats" Eddie added.

"I always thought that smell was Jerry" Jack said, not believing a word they said.

"It is" Azalea mumbled, earning a sharp glare from Kim.

"Eight years ago on a Halloween night Mr Myers was teaching his apprentice to make sausages" Kim continued the story.

"Ah, the sausages apprentice huh?" Jack snorted in disbelief.

"That's right! Apparently he did something Myers didn't like and words were exchanged, pork started flying and Myers snapped, picked up a meat knife and when it was over his apprentice was dead" Kim told them dramatically, ending it with a fake cry.

"Dead, deader than dead, he was so dead-" Eddie tried to build on the moment.

"We get it honey, he was dead" Azalea stopped him.

"The legend is that his headless body still haunts this dojo" Kim said.

"Stop trying to scare me! It's not gonna happen" Jack told them and then a dummy started to move towards him.


"I will take care of this" Jack played along, grabbing the bo staff from Kim and using it to hit the moving dummy.

"Stop!" Kim ran forward, "Jack, Milton is in there!"

"See" Eddie said taking of the mask to reveal a sheepish Milton.

"Boo" he said awkwardly, not knowing what else to do.

"Goodbye Milton" Jack said tiredly, putting the mask back on. He blew out some air and it was enough for Milton to fall to the ground.

"Ah! Christmas Nuts!" Milton exclaimed.

"Told you it wouldn't work!" Azalea said proudly.


"That psycho butcher story you made up yesterday was pretty cool Kim" Jack said as they sat down for lunch in school the next day.

"Not to Jerry, he actually started having nightmares about it" Azalea said, "Called me at four in the morning to talk about it, thank you for that one Kim!"

"We told him it was based on an actual legend" Kim said proudly, doing some weird hand shake with Milton who sat beside her.

"And that one Halloween night Mr Myers would come back: And bad things would happen to whoever he touches" Eddie added dramatically.

"Why are you guys trying to scare Jerry?" Jack asked, actually feeling bad for the boy.

"Hello, it's Halloween. It's what you're supposed to do" Kim told him like it was obvious.

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