16 | breaking board

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"You are not gonna believe it!" Milton screamed while running down the stairs inside Seaford High, "Duke Evans is coming to the mall this weekend" he finished in a high pitched voice.

"I only think dogs could hear what you were saying there Milton" Azalea muttered while putting a hand against her air.

"Ah, get out!" Kim shouted excitedly, "Duke Evans is coming here? To our mall! That is — aaaha-" she continued overly excited.

"You have no idea who he is, do you?" Milton asked.

"Not a clue" Kim admitted, dropping her excited act.

"Never heard of him" Azalea chimed in.

"Duke Evans is a world champion speed board breaker" Eddie explained.

"That's a thing?" Azalea asked, "Does someone work with that? What an idiot."

"Check this out" Milton said while pulling up a video on his phone of a man who looked to be from the 80s with a mullet and colourful clothes broke some boards.

"Welcome to the chop-chop baby!" Duke said in the video before screaming into the camera.

"Wow, can't wait to see him" Azalea said sarcastically.

"Duke Evans is a looser who travels around in a motor home doing karate demos" Jack said unimpressed.

"He is having a board breaking count to see if anyone can break his record" Milton told them.

"Ooh, I'd love to break that guys record" Jack said, "Watch his soak up his own tears with his mullet."

"You went from cute boy to sadistic psycho in two sentences" Azalea said while the others looked at the brown haired boy weirdly.

"I don't know Jack" Eddie said with doubt, "Do you think you are ready to take on a guy like The Duke?"

"Yeah, I kind of do" Jack said and to show it he did several kicks that managed to close all of their open lockers.

"Yeah, I can do that too honey" Azalea said while the others looked at him impressed. Jack was about to respond but was interrupted when Jerry walked into the school wearing a pyjamas while brushing his teeth.

"Eh dude? You know you came to school in your pyjamas, right?" Jack asked while looking at the boy weirdly.

"Oh yeah I know" Jerry said casually, "I didn't sleep a wink last night. I've got family in town and I have to share my bed with my cousin Pepito."

"Pepito" Eddie and Milton repeated dramatically.

"So you are gonna go to class like that?" Kim asked, motioning to his pyjamas.

"Class?" Jerry snorted, "No, no, no. I'm going to bed" he yawned before walking over to his locker, stepping into it and closing it behind him.

"I can't believe he's gonna-" Eddie started.

"Hey!" Jerry shouted while opening the locker, "You kids keep it down out there, okay?"

"From all the years of knowing Jerry, and this is the thing you can't believe?"


Azalea sat on a bench in the dojo, watching Jack practicing to break Duke Evans record. "Time" Milton said when the time was up.

"Twenty one boards" Eddie announced and Jack and Jerry high-fived each other sense it was the latter who was holding up the boards. "That was awesome!"

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