35 | a slip down memory lane

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Azalea laid down on a bench inside the dojo reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, because if you don't read the entire Harry Potter series at least ones a year, that year just sucks.

A few feet across from her Jack took a deep breath before letting out a, "Hiyah," and successfully breaking four bricks. "Oh yeah, I did it again. I'm on fire," he cheered as he and Rudy did a high ten, "Fire," he added in a high pitched song.

"More bricks, Eddie," Rudy ordered and the boy started to load up new bricks, "Okay, just think, in a couple of hours, Jack is gonna break the world record for most bricks broken by anyone under sixteen."

"And I'm breaking a world record too," Eddie said proudly, "For most bricks wheelbarrowed from one place to another. Right, Rudy?"

"Yes, you are," Rudy smiled encouragingly but when Eddie walked away he turned around and mouthed, "Oh, no, he's not."

"Some of the records in this book are crazy," Kim stated from her place beside Azalea, reading the Burgess World Record Book. "There was a woman in Michigan who at her own car. Come look at this picture."

"Wow, she literally has a trunk in her junk," Jack said looking at the picture, his eyes then travelled the to red head that hadn't even let her gaze shift from her book for one second. No matter how many bricks he broke.

The two hadn't really spoken much since their break up. After that very failed 'We are okay' dinner when Joan preformed a love song in their honour, Azalea had pretty much acted like he didn't exist unless he spoke to her first.

"Would you let him focus, Kim?" Rudy said, "The judge from the Burgress Book of World Records is gonna be here in a few hours."

"He is right," Jack agreed, "This is my last chance to break the record. After I turn sixteen next week, I won't be eligible."

"You know, you getting your name and more importantly, the dojo's name in that record book, is the biggest thing that's ever happened to us," Rudy said with an excited grin.

"Do you wanna know what you are Rudy?" Azalea said without looking up from her book, "You are pageant mom and Jack is your eight you old daughter with perfect hair on the hunt for a tiara."

Kim let out a laugh, "Yeah, come on, Rudy. The biggest?" she asked.

"When I became a sensei I had two goals," Rudy told them, "Saving the president from a ninja attack and getting my dojo's name in a record book that's read by millions of people on their toilets."

"I'm out," Kim announced, dropping the book in the trash can before walking away.

"What's up, yo?" Jerry said entering the dojo, "Record breaker in the house."

"What record are you gonna break?" Rudy asked with a snort.

"A record I've been training for my whole life," Jerry said smugly, "Yeah, world's longest armpit hair. Check it," Jerry took off his jacket to reveal a lot of armpit hair.

"Wow, that is pretty long," Rudy agreed but Jerry just chuckled.

"Please," Jerry smirked before revealing the armpit braids that went down to his waist.

"Oh, sweet pit hair!" Jack exclaimed.

"I know, right," Jerry smirked.

"Ooh, it's so soft. What conditioner do you use?" Rudy wondered.

"And I'm gonna smash the yo-yo record for the two handed synchronised round the world, baby," Milton announced, "Check this out," he said, staring to spin the yo-yo around only for both of them to get stuck in Jerry's armpit hair.

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