78 | seaford hustle

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"Hey, so what are you doing for Lea's birthday now when she's in Hong Kong?" Jerry asked as they entered the bowling alley.

"Well, she doesn't have a lot of spare time these days with school and then there is the time difference - but we are going to FaceTalk tonight," Jack explained, truly missing his girlfriend's presence in Seaford.

"Oh, cool," Jerry said, "Yeah, I thought about sending something to Lea."

"But you didn't?" Jack asked.

"Why would I? It's the thought that counts," Jerry shrugged, "Not to mention that Lea hates gifts because she doesn't like surprises."

An engine revived in another room which caught Jerry's attention, "Hey, dude, check it out," he said, leading Jack into the other room.

"Whoo-hoo! Whoa! Whoa!" a man on a motorcycle version of the mechanical bull yelled before he was thrown off.

Sorry, you lose!" a guy with a microphone said, "Who else thinks they can finish the extreme road trip challenge? Just survive the trip from California to New York, and you win this Yamasuki dirt bike. But if you fall off the bike, you lose."

"Oh, I'm up for the challenge my friend," Jerry said confidently, stepping up to the platform and then he jumped up on the bike, "Ley me show you how a real man rides a hog."

"And this is where Zalee would say something snarky," Jack sighed, missing his girlfriend.

Jerry was thrown of the motorcycle directly and crashed to the ground. "And this is where she would laugh," Jack added, not even caring for his friend's wellbeing. Jerry had survived worse.

"Sorry, you lose," the guy said.

"Why'd that hog have to be so loud?" Jerry whined.


The next day Jack and Jerry were back and watched as Jerry's grandmother tried to win the dirt bike. "Oh! Granny down!" the announcer yelled when the old lady flew off.

"Thanks for trying, Nana," Jerry offered her an high five as she stumbled away. Then he realised something, "Jack. Jack, you gotta win this bike for me, man. Oh, help me, Jack. You are my only hope."

"I'd like to help you, Jerry," Jack sighed, "But I can't miss my birthday FaceTalk with Zalee. You know how punctual she is."

"You at least gotta try," Jerry tried to persuade him, "Look, give me your phone. If she calls you, I'll let you know and you can just hop off the bike."

Jack sighed in defeat, "Fine," he fished up his phone from his pocket and handed it to Jerry.

"Oh, you're the man!" Jerry patted his shoulder excitedly and Jack jumped up to try the game. It couldn't be that bad.


When Jack had managed to hold on long enough to win the challenge the crowd cheered loudly. "WE WON!" Jerry yelled.

"Looks like we have a winner. I couldn't be happier," the guy said unenthusiastically.

When he hesitated to give Jack the keys he snatched them and jumped off the bike, "Thank you," he said before running over to Jerry, "Dude! Dude, we won!"

"Dude, that was incredible. How did you do that?" Jerry asked him.

"You are not gonna believe this. But I think it was - the force," Jack said, having gotten inspired by the Star Wars exhibit that was taking place in the mall.

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