60 | mama mima

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"You guys can complain all you want but I had a really good time at the Seaford fair," Rudy said as they walked through the mall.

"We are just saying that the fair has gone downhill," Jack said, "I mean, the baby elephant was just a shaved dog with a hose taped to its nose."

"Hey, Jerry," Kim said, "Where did you get that cool tie-dyed shirt?"

"Oh, I didn't," Jerry said, "I just got on the spinning cups with Rudy after he had nine flavours of Italian rice."

"It's was eight," Rudy said, almost proudly, "The ninth colour is the chilli dog I had for breakfast."

"And now I'm about to throw up," Azalea muttered in disgust.

"Hey, Jack, I need to ask a favour," Milton said, "You know that Seaford High news show that I'm on that everyone talks about?"

"Our school has a news show?" Jack asked.

"And you are on it?" Jerry added.

"People talk about it?" Kim asked in disbelief.

"Just search for 'complete train wreck' on YouTube and it will come up," Azalea snorted, earning a a glare from Milton, "Hey, at least I have seen it."

"Anyways," Milton said, "I was hoping that Jack could do the weather, uh, just for one day."

"Why?" Jack wondered.

"Well, we couldn't find anyone so our producer Albert had to fill in," Milton explained, "He isn't really the right guy for the job."

"Is he the right guy for any job?" Azalea snorted again.

"All right, if you want me to be your weatherman, I will give it a shot," Jack told him.

"Oh, cool, come on. Let's go into the dojo and practice for tomorrow," Milton said.

Jack leaned down to kiss Azalea as he passed her before he followed Milton into the dojo. Rudy let out a dramatic and disgusted groan. "Grow up, Rudy."

The door to Falafel Phil's opened and Phil let out a loud cry with a party hat on his head and then he closed the door again. Azalea knew exactly what he was sobbing about and stood up while the others just went back to playing with their new stuffed animals.

Phil opened the door again and sobbed loudly. "Should we?" Kim asked.

"I think we have to," Rudy sighed.

"You are such assholes," Azalea told them, leading the group into Falafel Phil's that was decorated with birthday banners.

"I'm never speaking to any of you ever again," Phil yelled, "Except for you Azalea. You are good," he added before storming into the kitchen.

"Three, two, one-"

Phil came back out, "And I will tell you why! I invited you all to my birthday party, but no one come to celebrate the Phil's. Except Azalea, she stopped by earlier and dropped off a cake for me."

Rudy looked at his sister with a small glare for making them all look worse before speaking, "That's my fault, Phil. The - the fair was in town, we got free tickets, and I totally forgot it was your birthday. I wish someone could have reminded me."

"What am I? Your calendar?" Azalea scoffed.

"Uh, guys, how about we make it up to him?" Rudy asked before running over to turn off the lights. Then he turned them back on and everyone yelled; "Surprise!"

"What? For me?" Phil asked excitedly, "Yeah - wait a minute," his expression fell, "You are not pulling the yak fur over my seeing balls."


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