80 | you don't know jack

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"Jerry, dude, why aren't you training?" Jack asked when they entered the dojo to find Jerry playing some game called Smack-a-Genie. "Your black belt test is in a couple of days. You know how important this is to Rudy. There isn't anywhere he'd rather be."

"I'm outta here!" Rudy announced happily as he entered the restaurant.

"Impeccable timing as always," Azalea snorted.

"Headed to Beijing for two weeks," Rudy told them smugly, "Karate Magazine just named me Sensei of the Year."

"What about our test?" Milton asked him.

"What test?" Rudy asked him.

"Our belt ranking test," Milton reminded him.

"Oh! Oh, that test," Rudy remembered with an awkward laugh, "Of course. I take belt ranking very seriously. Milton is going for his blue-"

"Brown," Milton corrected pointedly.

"Brown," Rudy repeated, "And Jerry is going for his green-"

"Black," Jerry corrected.

"Black," Rudy quickly said, "That's why Jeff-"

"Jack," Jack looked offended.

"Jack will be giving you your test while I'm in Japan," Rudy finished.

"China," Azalea deadpanned.

"Whatever," Rudy yelled before he turned smug again, "You guys, you know what the best part about being named Sensei of the Year is?"

"You finally get the recognition you deserve," Jack suggested.

Rudy scoffed, "No. I get to rub it in Ty's face. I just called him at his new job at Roll-A-Rubs and he is on his way over now."

The door opened at Ty entered, "Roll-A-Rubs mobile massage. I'm looking for, uh, Harry Bunz. Harry Bunz? I need Harry Bunz!"

The guys laughed and Azalea rolled her eyes at their immaturity. "What's so funny?" Ty asked, "I want Harry Bunz!"


Azalea and Jack entered the dojo to see Jerry on the floor doing push ups while shouting, "Nine-hundred and ninety-nine. One thousand!" He panted loudly while standing up, "Try to keep up Milton."

"Jerry the dojo has windows," Azalea reminded him, "We could see you do your fake spray bottle thing."

"I can't believe you think that," Jerry said in offence.

Azalea picked up the spray bottle and sprayed him in the face, "Can you believe it now?"

"Jerry, you are the most physically gifted guy in the dojo," Jack told him, sick of Jerry not taking this seriously.

"I'm right here," Milton reminded them.

"Sorry," Jack told him before turning back to Jerry.

"Don't worry, Milton," Azalea patted him on the shoulder, "You are the most mentally gifted one."

"But you also need discipline and focus if you want to get your black belt," Jack continued, "Dude, before I came to this dojo I was just a skate punk who didn't take karate seriously."

"You may not remember this," Milton added, "But before I came to the dojo, I was kind of a nerd."

"Yeah, before," Azalea gave him a playful smirk, "And I was amazing before I came to the dojo."

"Yeah, but before you met Jack you were a little - what's the word I'm looking for?" Milton said thoughtfully.

"Uptight?" Jerry suggested.

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