70 | nerd with a cape

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"Finding the person to run my new smoothie bar is something I take very seriously," Rudy told Jack and Azalea who took a sip of their smoothies.

"Rudy, this is amazing," Jack told him and Azalea nodded in agreement.

"It's not gonna happen, Ted," Rudy told the guy who made it, "Get out!"

Ted walked out of the dojo while Azalea looked at her brother in disbelief, "Seriously, Rudy, what was wrong with that guy? He makes excellent smoothies and that's pretty much the only criteria he has to fill."

"Ah, he just wasn't right," Rudy shrugged, "You can't hire just anyone who walks in off the street."

"Hi, I'm Connie," a pretty red head said while entering the dojo.

"Hey, Connie. You are hired. Let's do lunch," Rudy said and the two walked out of the dojo.

"And the award for the week's most pathetic person goes to - Rudy Gillespie. Again," Azalea rolled her eyes at her brother's behaviour.

"I'm done with my costume for HeroCon," Milton announced, walking out of the locker rooms in a homemade, purple superhero costume. "What do you think?"

"I take back my previous statement," Azalea muttered.

"I think it's a little too tight," Jack told Milton.


"Because I can see that you had two carrot sticks and a meatball for lunch," Jack said, earning a hit on the shoulder from Azalea, causing him to wince.

"What Jack means to say is that it looks like you have a table cloth on your back," Azalea told him.

"Why do I bother asking you two?" Milton rolled his eyes, "You don't even like superheroes."

"Excuse you," Azalea said, "Had you looked more like Captain America, Iron Man, Thor or Black Widow, I would have been impressed. Now you look like pre-serum Steve Rogers on laundry day."


Jack had been in a lousy mood since an experiment went wrong during science and apparently his new lab partner was super-annoying. So after being forced to spend the entire lunch break listening to him whining Azalea decided to spend some time with her brother in the dojo.

Unfortunately, the girl Rudy hired to handle the smoothie bar was a complete train wreck. "Connie," Rudy said awkwardly after the fifth person had voiced their complains, "uh, look, you are doing great."

"Is she really though?" Azalea asked, earning herself a kick in the shin from Rudy.

"It's just," Rudy continued, "another customer found a scrunchie in their smoothie."

"You know what?" Connie said, "I don't like your attitude. I quit. I'm gonna go get a smoothie."

"As long as you didn't make it, that sounds like a great idea," Azalea said, "Now bye-bye, Connie." She jumped over the counter and started to clean up the mess Connie had created.

"You know what? Fine! Go ahead and quit!" Rudy yelled after her, "Who needs you!"

Suddenly a blonde girl walked into the smoothie booth and Azalea looked at her in confusion, "Can I help you?"

Meanwhile Rudy picked up his phone to call Connie. "Hey, Con. It's Rudy. Yeah, I heard your job didn't quite work out, so I guess you are free Friday night." It seemed like Connie hung up because Rudy turned towards the door and yelled, "Fine! Who needs you!"

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