03 | dummy dancing

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Jack, Kim and Milton stuck their heads around the corner like spies and watched as the janitor walked away, leaving the corridor empty. Azalea on the other hand walked around the corner like a normal person. Jack bent down dramatically and touched the floor.

"Oh yeah. Waxy Wednesday were plastic tray meets a freshly buffed floor and legends are born."

"We are not supposed to be here" Azalea said nervously. Every Wednesday they dragged her along even though she didn't want to, because of her fear for breaking rules. "If we get detention for this I'm gonna kill you."

But before the others could respond Eddie walked in. "Hey guys! I got the trays."

"Any problema getting by Marge the Lunch Lady?" Kim asked.

"Naaah, she said they don't pay her enough to care."

"Guys! Did I miss anything?" Jerry came running down the stairs.

"No, aren't you supposed to be in detention for putting a tollbooth in the boy's bathroom?" Azalea asked.

"I should be, but when you sit me in the back and leave a window open, I'm what they call a flight risk" Jerry smirked proudly.

"Jack, your record is about to be broken. Prepare for the new world champion Milton 'the Missile' Krupnick" Milton took of his clothes revealing a purple body suit.

"Dude, eat a sandwich" Jerry said, disturbed.

"Oh look at this. I have walked into the middle of a Loser Palooza" their attention was drawn to one of their classmates, Truman.

"Isn't everywhere you are the middle of Loser Palooza?" Azalea asked and Truman glared at her.

"What do you want Truman?" Jack asked irritated.

"I thought I'd just hang out."

"Do you have to do it here?" Jerry asked and the others snickered.

"It's a free hallway Jerry" Truman said.

"Truman, if you will excuse me I have a date with destiny" Milton said proudly.

"Well that will be your first date ever" Truman laughed annoyingly. Milton mimicked him and laughed sarcastically.

"Very funny! You are about to see my skid marks" Milton tried to sass him.

"Try again" Azalea cringed at his words.

"I thought that was gonna sound different when it came out" Milton said awkwardly before he walked further into the corridor while Kim ran in the other direction.

"Okay guys. This garbage can marks Jack's record of 47 floor tiles" Kim said and Milton started to run and then he jumped upon the tray and zoomed down the hallway. He quickly passed Jack's record but unfortunately he didn't stop there so he crashed through one of the doors.

"The gang ran over to see if he was okay while Truman laughed at his misfortune. "He just shattered your record" Jerry told Jack in surprise.

"And the paper mache solar system outside the science lab" Kim added.

"It looks like someone greased his tray" Jack said in suspicion.

"Looks like" Truman laughed annoyingly again. As Milton walked over, or more like stumbled over.

"Looks like Saturn is now lodged in the dark side of the moon" Milton said in pain, walking away.

"And this is why I don't break the rules" Azalea said before she walked over to Milton in order to help him.

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