08 | ricky weaver

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The boys and Azalea walked down the staircase inside Seaford High. "I can't handle health class anymore" Jerry complained.

"I took that class, did they show the video of the whale having a baby?" Jack asked a little traumatised, "I almost gave birth to my lunch."

"Grace asked me to be her health class partner. We had to take care of an egg and pretend it was our baby" Jerry told them.

"How did that work out for you?" Eddie asked.

"I couldn't take the pressure. This morning I snapped, fried up our baby and ate it" Jerry said horrified.

"Big news everyone! Big news!" their principal announced, gaining everyone's attention. "Thanks to a winning essay by Kim Crawford our school has won a concert from international mega pop star: Ricky Weaver!" he said excitedly before going back to normal, "Carry on."

"I can't believe I won!" Kim said excitedly, she was standing by her locker with Grace.

"Oh, Kim, Kimmy, you like Ricky Weaver!?" Azalea asked in horror.

"Eeeeh, no" Kim said awkwardly, "I'm not even sure who Ricky Weaver is."

"Really Kim? Because your locker is a huge fan" Grace mocked, opening Kim's locked to reveal pictures of Ricky Weaver at the same time as his music started to blast.

"Thanks a lot Grace" Kim said sarcastically trying to close the locker when the others laughed. She eventually won the fight with Grace, who tried to prevent her from closing it, and the locker slammed shut. "Fine! I love him! I downloaded all of his music and now I'm gonna meet him!" Kim squealed, running away.

"I'm beginning to think she knows who Ricky is" Jack said sarcastically before turning to Azalea. "You don't like him, right?"

"Of course not" Azalea said, a little offended.

"That's my girl" Jack said proudly.

"I'm not anyone's girl" Azalea corrected him, crossing her arms.

"Jerry, we have health class next period, where is our baby?" Grace asked, interrupting Jack and Azalea's conversation.

Instead of answering Jerry turned and sprinted away, leaving a confused Grace.


The boys were training in the dojo while Azalea sat on the ground stretching while studying for her chemistry test. Rudy was holding a sparring dummy, giving Jack feedback as he kicked and punched it.

"That's good, solid contact, great form. Just try to bring your foot down a little lower" Rudy said and when Jack did that he managed to kick Rudy in the groin causing Azalea to burst out laughing. "Okay, not too low" Rudy said, his voice high pitched in pain.

"Hey I mean who knows Grace" Kim said through the phone as she walked into the dojo, "He can part his hair on the left or the right. That's just what makes Ricky, Ricky."

"I can't believe because of you that over-gelled pretty boy is coming to our school" Jack said when she hung up. "I think he's got a doll's head." 

"Jack it's so predictable that a guy like you would be jealous of Ricky" Kim said casually.

"What? I'm not, I'm not jealous. Why would I be? Right Azalea" Jack looked at the red head on the ground for support.

"Of course you aren't honey" Azalea reassured him like a child, but he didn't seem to notice when he turned around to give Kim a smug look. The blonde girl did a sound of disbelief before walking into the locker rooms.

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