52 | jack and azalea stand alone

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"I'm proud of my one term as Student Council President," Milton said, "Why was I not re-elected? Nobody knows."

"You made the school day longer," Jerry said loudly.

"You banned desserts," Frank added.

"You got rid of the faculty pinball machine," Funderburk continued.

"You added mandatory check up tests once a month in every subject," Azalea reminded him.

"Nobody knows!" Milton said firmly, "Please welcome our new Student Council President; Kim Beulah Crawford. That's right, people! You voted in a Beulah!"

Kim smiled briefly as she walked up to the microphone while everyone else in the cafeteria applauded and balloons fell from the ceiling.

"Fellow students," Kim said, "There is nothing I will not do for you."

"Place your hand on the turtle," Funderburk said holding a turtle in front of the blonde.

"What? I am not touching that wart bag!" Kim said in disgust.

"It's turtle, Kim. Not a toad," Azalea rolled her eyes, "And it's tradition."

"She is right," Funderburk said, "To be sworn in, you have to put your hand in Arlo."

Kim reluctantly put her hand on the turtle, "My heart is clean. My mind his fertile. I'm the Prez— Swear in the turtle."

Everyone clapped and Funderburk stepped back with his turtle as Kim continued her speech, "And now is I'd like to bring up a good friend. He's loyal, he's true and most importantly — his lovely girlfriend refused the position because she didn't want to listen to other people's complaints — He's my Vice President,  Jack Brewer."

Jerry, who had believed he was the one Kim spoke of, did some awkward gesture towards Jack as he passed the microphone as the brown haired boy stepped up.

"So, I was told as Vice President, all I have to do is stand up here and look good." Jack said, "So, here you go," he winked to the crowd and all the girls started giggling as he walked back to sit next to Azalea, putting his arm around her shoulder.

"Nailed it," he smirked.

"Yeah, like only a second choice could," Azalea smirked back.

"And now Erica Straffman has put together a special victory performance," Kim said and the cheerleaders took the floor.

"Thank you, Kim," Erica said in her preppy tone followed by a giggle, "I think y'all know who I am."

"I'all don't," Milton said.

"Then I'll tell you," Erica glared at him, "I'm a nationally ranked cheerleader and gymnast. And I'm the head of our dance committee. This is for you, Kim," she said in an overly sweet tone, "Isn't she sweet? Get in line, Gina."

"Her voice makes me want to jab a pencil into my ear," Azalea muttered as dance music started playing and the cheerleaders danced.

But when they were in the middle of the human pyramid Kim shouted, "Gina, look out, Frank's got the turtle."

Gina let out a scream as the turtle bit her in the leg and the whole pyramid came down, creating a pile of humans on the floor. On her way down Erica managed to knock down Kim who face planted the cake.

Azalea burst out laughing, hiding her face in Jack's shoulder so no one would see how funny she found the situation.

"Frank!" Funderburk yelled, "Why do you always ruin everything? Look at what you've done. Are you okay, hon?"

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