28 | buddyguards

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"Ohm," Rudy hummed, sitting crossed leg on the ground, meditating, while Milton and Eddie trained with bo-staffs behind him. "Ohm. OHM!" Rudy started to him louder as Azalea entered.

"What's wrong with him?" she asked, pointing at her brother.

"I got this one," Eddie volunteered, "What are you doing?"

"I'm becoming one with the universe" Rudy explained, "I'm now a master of meditation" he motioned to the bonsai tree in front of him and the small waterfall.

"Since when?" Eddie snorted.

"Since I got this magical meditation ring" Rudy showed them his thumb ring proudly, "It changed colors with my mood. Been in my family for three generations."

"See, there is proof" Azalea said, "I'm the only sane one in my family for at least three generations."

"Uh-oh. That's not good" Rudy said with an awkward laugh, "I think that green color means I'm gassy."

"It just turned blue" Milton looked closer at the ring.

"Yeah, it did" Rudy admitted with a sheepish smile, "Come on you three, enjoy my meditation zone" he invited them to sit with him, "I got a waterfall, my bonsai tree. I even installed a speaker directly above the mat so I can listen to my meditation music."

"YOU installed a speaker? Directly above the mat?" Azalea asked, moving away a little so she was sitting a feet away from the mat, "Better safe than sorry."

"Time to transcend" Rudy said starting the music after the four of them had closed their eyes and crossed their legs. But instead of calm meditation music some terrible rock music started to play, making all of them jump in shock, "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?" Rudy screamed.

"Kung Fu Lightning" Jack said as he entered the dojo with Jerry.

"Greatest band of all time" Jerry added, "We were listening to their new album on your stereo. Sorry."

"Well, get it out of there and put my meditation CD back in" Rudy ordered like a grumpy child and Jerry did as he was told.

"Isn't Kung Fu Lightning doing a concert here in Seaford?" Milton wondered.

"Oh, yes they are" Jerry said after having turned off the music, "And we're gonna stand in line for as long as it takes to get two tickets."

"Three, if Zalee decides to join us" Jack turned to his girlfriend with a cheeky smile. "Wanna go with us and see the greatest band of all time?"

"I'm appalled that you think that abomination of music is the greatest band of all time" Azalea patted his shoulder, "The greatest band in history will always be Queen and I will fight anyone who says differently."

"My mom won't let me go to concerts" Eddie admitted, "unless the characters are in big padded suits and on ice skates."

"All right, we will see you guys later" Jerry said walking out of the dojo with a sleeping bag Jack had thrown him earlier.

"Take it easy" Jack said, throwing Azalea a discreet wink before following him out of the dojo.

"Come on, Eddie. Let's get a corn dog" Milton said.

"I'm not invited?" Azalea asked in offence.

"You don't like corn dogs" Milton deadpanned.

"No. But I would like an invitation" she grumbled.

"You can stay here and meditate with me" Rudy said, "Some brother-sister bonding time."

"I suppose I could feed my corn dog to a passing dog or something" she tried to follow the boys but Rudy dragged her down to sit beside him on the mat. But once again she scooted away a little to not sit in the risk zone.

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