02 | fat chance

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Azalea, Jerry, Eddie and Kim were standing by their lockers when Milton skipped down the stairs excitedly. "Guys, guys. Wanna know who just won the district wide spelling bee. Here is a clue. M-E."

"Meh?" Jerry asked.

"It's ME you toad" Milton said.

"What is that?" Eddie asked referring to the trophy in his hand.

"The trophy I won, it's a bronze bee" Milton explained proudly.

"I've got fillings bigger than that thing" Kim said unimpressed and the others nodded in agreement, except for Azalea who elbowed Kim lightly.

"I rode a little filly called perspicacious all the way to the finish line" Milton pretended to ride a horse.

"Milton, that's impressive but please don't do that" Azalea said but Milton ignored her.

"Now come on. Who's the man? Who's the man?"

"Jack is the man!" Principal Burke announced loudly as he, Jack and a lot of other students walked down the hallway chanting Jack's name and the gang with the exception of Azalea and Milton joined in.

"Now thanks to Jack's routine we've won our first gymnastics trophy in fifteen years" the principal said while handing the trophy over two a guy who climbed a latter to put it by the other trophies. The entire corridor bursted out in applause.

"It wasn't really a routine. I was just trying to move fast enough so no one noticed I was wearing a unitard" Jack said awkwardly. Two other boys from the gymnastics team walked by, proudly wearing their unitards, giving Jack a thumbs up which he copied extremely awkwardly.

"When you're wearing one of those things, even when you win you loose."

"You know, I just won the first spelling bee out school has ever-" Milton tried to say when Eddie interrupted him mid sentence.

"Hey show us what you did to win Jack!" everyone in the corridor cheered in agreement but Azalea couldn't help but feel sorry for Milton who had achieved something just as great as Jack but didn't get any credit for it.

Jack did his routine and everyone cheered causing the brown haired boy to smirk slightly. "Jack, I hope that this means that you're going to stay on the gymnastics team" Principal Burke said hopefully.

"I told you, it was a one time deal. I win you your trophy and you get a little visit from the Wedgy Wizard" Jack said pointing at a very smug Jerry.

"I guess a deal is a deal" the principal said shaking Jack's hand.

"Just go with it" Jerry smiled, putting some kind of powder on his hands. He did a weird celebration sound and gave the principal a wedgy that he will never forget.

"Is that all you got punk?!" Principal Burke said in a high pitched voice. All the students laughed at him and when he walked out everyone could see his underwear.

The bell rang, signalling everyone it was time for class. "Milton are you coming?" Jack asked when he saw that the boy didn't follow them.

"Yeah I will catch up with you guys in a second" he said and the gang walked away.

"You know" Azalea said, she had stayed behind wanting to cheer up Milton slightly. "I think your trophy is just as important as Jack's, if not more" she said squeezing his shoulder before she turned away and ran towards the classroom catching up with the others easily.

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