59 | temple of doom

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"Okay," Kim said, "when it's halfway filled with water, you put the apples in like this." She dropped a few apples into the barrel and Jerry scoffed loudly.

"Seriously, Kim? You've been put in charge of the school's Halloween party and bobbing for apples is the best you got?" Jerry asked before turning to the red-haired girl, "I expected more from you, Lea."

"When are people going to understand that I don't like Halloween and I don't care about some stupid party?" Azalea rolled her eyes.

"Actually, Jerry," Milton joined the conversation, "It's kind of scary."

"Actually, Jerry, it's kind of scary," Jerry mocked, "Am I gonna get a Granny Smith or a red delicious apple-"

Jerry put his head in the barrel and a hand latched onto his face followed my a growl. This made him scream bloody murder while he desperately tried to get free. When he finally did he turned to the blonde, "You are a sick woman, Kim."

They all laughed as Jerry ran away and Jack crawled out from his hiding space under the barrel, "Did you see his face?" Jack gave Kim a high five.

"Guys, this party is gonna be epic," Kim said, "We just have to find a place better than the school gym."

"Got my Halloween decorations," Rudy stated proudly while walking into the dojo with one bag.

"Uh, Rudy, you didn't get very much," Kim said.

"Yes, he did!" Sam shouted, walking in with a mountain of bags that completely covered his face from view. He dropped all of them on the floor, "I will go get the rest."

"We got ghosts, ghouls, goblins - if it starts with a G and scared children I bought it," Rudy told them, "Even got a guinea pig."

"Kids aren't afraid of guinea pigs," Jack told him.

"Oh yeah?" Rudy dared, "Check this one out."

Jack looked into the bag and let out a scream, "Oh! You can't tell which is the face and which is the butt."

"I found out the hard way when I tried to kiss it," Rudy admitted.

"Why did you kiss a guinea pig?" Azalea asked.

"None of your business," Rudy walked into the office.

"Hello, my Wasabi friends," Wan Chi, one of the Shaolin Warriors, said when he entered the dojo.

"Hey, Wan Chi!" Jack said, walking over to him, "Hit me up," he said and the two did some weird hand shake.

"I've come to ask a favour," Wan Chi said when they were done, "We are hoping you can watch our temple for two weeks."

"Why us?" Azalea asked.

"Because you kissed those rare gifts of patience, honor and-"

"Everybody else said no," Azalea finished, "Got it."

"'Most of them cut me off at 'I've come to ask a favour'," Wan Chi admitted.

"I got you covered," Milton said, "Are you travelling somewhere?"

"We have been offered a prestigious opportunity to preform our ancient Shaolin techniques at the Pan-Asian Mung Bean Festival."

"Aah! The Mung Bean, my favourite legume," Milton exclaimed excitedly before he scolded his expression, "Jack and Kim are giving me the I'm-a-geek-look while Azalea knows exactly what I'm talking about but don't care, right?"

"Not just Jack and Kim," Wan Chi gave him the same look.

"What I take from this is that I'm the nicest," Azalea grinned.

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