10 | the commercial

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Azalea and Jack was in the middle of sparring playfully, with the others watching, when Rudy entered the dojo. "Sorry I'm late everyone but I've got big news" he announced, "I've been studying acting at the 'Even you can act Academy'. And it turns out even I can act" he said proudly. Azalea groaned a little, knowing exactly were this was going. "My teacher is Dan Lamon, former star of 'Beach patrol."

"I love beach patrol" Eddie said, "They had Loretta the talking dolphin."

"That dolphin is all attitude" Kim said, "Talk to the fin cause the blowhole ain't listening."

"Dan Lamon's class is very exclusive" Rudy said while putting on his gi, "You have to go through an incredibly rigorous selection process."

"By 'rigorous' you mean the free lesson cupón stuck under your windshield wiper?" Jack asked sarcastically.

"For your information, Dan himself told me I have real talent" Rudy countered with a smug smile, "Let me show you guys an exercise we learned today in class. It's called 'improv'."

"Wow" Azalea said sarcastically, "Did he come up with that himself?"

"Improv?" Eddie asked, equally unimpressed.

"That's right! Know script, no problem. Just me alone, pulling it out of my own brain" Rudy bragged.

"You will be pulling it out of somewhere" Kim said quietly.

"Jack, be my scene partner" Rudy looked at the brown haired boy.

"Not gonna happen Rudy. Acting is really not my thing" Jack said with his arms crossed.

"Don't worry! Just let my talent drive the train" Rudy said arrogantly, earning a deadpanned look from Jack. "Here is the scene, we are in a, uh" he said thoughtfully before running over to stand behind some mats, "we are in a Mini-mark and you are the clerk and I'm the-" he stopped himself and ran over to place a bucket on his head, "the King of France."

Azalea cringed at his terrible french accent. "This is gonna be painful to watch" she grimaced as Rudy laughed weirdly while walking over to Jack.

"Would you care for a candy bar? They are king sized" Jack joked, earning laughs from the gang and a snort from Azalea.

"Oui, oui" Rudy said.

"Sorry you can't to that here, the bathroom is broken" Jack said and this time Azalea actually smiled. Rudy looked at the laughing teenagers, a little bummed that Jack was stealing his game. "If you have to go 'wee, wee' you have to wait until you get back to your own throne."

Rudy pursed his lips together as the gang laughed. "And scene" he said, but that didn't stop their laughter. "I said and scene" he repeated a little irritated but they only laughed harder, except for Azalea who saw the change in her brother's mood. "Guys that means the scene is over! He didn't even do an accent" he angrily took of his bucket, "IT'S NOT FUNNY IF YOU DON'T DO AN ACCENT!" Rudy stormed out of the dojo.

After Rudy had disappeared the others continued but Jack stopped when he saw that Azalea didn't laugh along. "Didn't you think it was funny" Jack asked, a little disappointed.

"Oh sure it was funny" she gave him a reassuring smile, "But the difference between you and me is that you don't have to deal with 'Moody Rudy' later."

"Moody Rudy?" Jack asked with smirk.

"Live with him for a week and you will see."


Home Economics was one of the easiest subjects in school according to Azalea. After growing up with a brother who barely could boil noodles she was pretty confident around the kitchen.

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