27 | it takes two to tangle

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Azalea stood behind the boys as Jack broke three boards in a row.


"Wow, Jack" Milton said impressed, "How do you do that?"

"It comes from inside me" Jack told them, "It's my Kiai."

"The boys in my family get their Kiais removed" Jerry said, "It's a tradition."

"A kiai is the sound you make when you release the power of your inner self" Jack explained, "Come on, guys. Free your inner beasts."

"This ought to be good" Azalea muttered.

"Kiai!" Eddie yelled, moving into position.

"Kiai!" Jerry mimicked him, "Whoo!"

"Coo!" Milton let out a weak sound.

"Your inner beast sound like a sick dove" Jack told him as the other two guys laughed.

"Don't be mean, Jackie" Azalea said before turning to Milton, "It sounded like a very healthy dove."

"Gaaah" Milton let out a weird sound before storming away.

"Oh, are you and Rudy ready for the big sensei-student tournament this week?" Eddie asked Jack.

"Totally" Jack exclaimed, "And since I'll be competing with Rudy, I've been training my butt off. Dude, our timing during the routine has to be perfect. You know how competitive he is."

"Do I?" Azalea snorted, "I don't envy you at all."

"Jack, I hope you're prepared for our trip to San Francisco because I know I am" Rudy said walking in with a box, "I found my rubber vomit and my deluxe whoope cushion."

"The two of you are going to have so much fun" Azalea grinned at her boyfriend who looked very bewildered by the situation.

"What makes it deluxe?" Eddie wondered and Rudy blew out the air of the whoopee cushion and a terrible smell hit all of them.



"The smell" Rudy stated proudly.

"Pfft. Rudy, you're not taking this competition seriously" Jack accused him, "Don't you want to win?"

"Come on, let's just go and have some fun" Rudy said casually, "Make some memories. Road trip" he said while walking towards his office.

"Alright, see you later, guys" Milton said, "I got a little pre-anniversary gift for Julie. I make a chocolate rose by hand" he took the present out of the bag and gasped, "What happened to my rose."

"Wow, dude" Jerry said chewing on something, "It looks like someone ate the head off it" he licked his fingers.

"My rose! My sweet rose!" Milton breathed heavily for a few seconds, "KIAI!" he shouted and flipped Jerry over.

"Ow! Oh" Jerry whimpered.

"You just met my inner beast!" Milton shouted.

"Oh, dude. Eddie are some of your rose, too" Jerry complained and Milton growled and screamed as he chased Eddie out of the dojo.

"Are we supposed to give each other pre-anniversary gifts too?" Jack whispered to her.

"No, I don't think anyone is supposed to."


"Okay, news update" Azalea said walking up to Milton who was busy putting some books in his locker, "Jack and Rudy are in San Francisco. Kim, who I am staying with at the moment, has the flu so I had to sleep on the couch in order to avoid getting sick as well. And I'm stuck with only you, Eddie and Jerry for company."

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