06 | road to wasabi

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Jack walked into the dojo to find the others already there and the dojo decorated. "You're late!" Azalea said angrily to him.

"For what?" Jack put down his skateboard.

"For what? Rudy's surprise birthday party, remember. He have been planning this for himself for two weeks, it's pretty much the only thing he have talked about" Azalea put her hands on her hips and gave Jack a scolding look before she walked away from him.

The lights in the dojo was turned of as Rudy whispered, "He's coming." Everyone rolled their eyes as he walked out and turned on the lights.

"Surprise" everyone said unenthusiastically, except for Azalea who tried to seem as happy as possible knowing how much her brother loved his birthday.

"How did you know it was my birthday?" Rudy asked in fake surprise clutching his heart, "You guys almost killed me" he then put on a big birthday hat in the form of a cake.

"You better not have brought gifts! But if you did now would be the time to load me up" Rudy said with a smile.

Milton walked over to grab his gift from his locker and Jack ran after him. "I don't have anything, can I get in on your gift?" Jack begged him.

"Absolutely not" Milton said opening his locker, "We put a lot of time, thought and effort into this. This is from Jerry, Eddie and me" he gave Rudy the gift.

"Joke a day toilet paper! Get out!" Rudy said happily, "My cousin had this at his house. I literally laughed myself off the bowl."

"True story, unfortunately" Azalea muttered.

"Thank you guys!" Rudy said, "Now I don't wanna turn this whole gift thing into a competition but Kim it is time to top that gift!"

"Kim and I actually went in on this together" Azalea said walking over to grab the gift.

"Lea could I-" Jack started but she cut him off.

"Forget it Jack! Not only did you turn up late but you also forgot this completely!"

"Unlike some people we put a lot of thought into our gift" Kim said smugly.

"Happy Birthday big brother" Azalea hugged him before handing over the gift to him which he quickly opened with a gasp.

"A signed picture of Bobby Wasabi. My hero, my idol, the man I patterned my life after" he said in shock. "To whom it may concern. Bobby Wasabi" he read the signature, "That's me! I'm 'whom' and 'concerned'!"

"Alright Jack!" Rudy walked over to the brown haired boy, "Rock my world!"

Jack looked like a deer caught in headlight and the others walked over to him, where he was seated on the bench. "Yeah Jack, I'm sure Rudy saved the best for last" Kim taunted.

"Well, you know" Jack started to say slowly, "I was thinking everyone knows how much you love Bobby Wasabi and I asked myself; What could be better than a picture, right?"

"Only the man himself" Rudy joked before he turned serious, "Wait, wait a minute. Are you saying what I think you are saying? You found a way to get Bobby Wasabi to come down here so I can meet him?"

"Yeah" Jack said awkwardly.

"Are you saying that founder of this dojo and international movie star, a man that hasn't been seen in public in twenty years is coming to see me?" Rudy asked with a childish excitement. "I can't believe it."

"I don't think anyone can believe it" Azalea put her hand on Jack's shoulder and squeezed it angrily causing the boy to flinch.

"Let's get this party started!" Milton said. He had a blindfold over his eyes and were swinging a bat like a crazy person.

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