26 | capture the flag

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"Does your hummus smell worse than it normally does?" Eddie asked as they all sat at Falafel Phil's.

"It's not the hummus" Milton told him, "It's coming from him" he pointed at Jerry.

"That's my new cologne" he explained proudly picking up the bottle, "It's called 'impurity'."Jerry sprayed some of it into the air and they all jumped back while trying to save their food.

"Ah, hey!"

"Whoa, dude."

An obnoxious girl giggle cut through the air. "Check it out" Milton said and they turned to look at the newly arrived pair.

"Swathmore Academy students" Jack said in disgust, "Perfect skin, perfect hair, perfect teeth."

"Perfectly disgusting" Kim added in a similar tone.

"You two sound a little jealous" Azalea muttered.

"They must have finally realised Phil makes the best falafel in town" Milton said.

"Put it in a doggie bag, you" Claire, one of the Swathmore kids, ordered Phil, "It's for our dogs. Can you imagine? He thought we were going to eat this."

Both Swathmore kids laughed arrogantly, "What's next?" the boy asked, "Should we go bathe in the mall fountain?"

"Oh, uh, not — not from 3:00 to 4:00" Jerry told them, "That's Jerry time."

"Hello, Jerry" Claire said, "I wish I could stay, but my poor pug is starving. Woof" she flirted before walking back to get her order.

"Ew" Azalea said.

"My poor pug is starving" Kim mocked mimicked Claire, "Woof. Who talks like that?"

"Unfortunately, no one I know" Eddie sighed.

"They think they are so much better than us just because they go to a private school" Kim grumbled.

"Well, we are eating their dog food" Jack pointed out, taking a bite of his falafel.

"Well, Queen Elizabeth feeds her corgis with chicken and beef, is that dog food too now?" Azalea shot back.

"And they are a week away from showing us up again during Seaford on parade" Milton sighed.

"You know, I thought out float last year was a winner" Jerry admitted.

"It was Ernie the janitor sitting in a shopping cart with a tube sock on his head" Jack deadpanned.

"Winner" Jerry said.

"I don't know why they always win the float competition. I mean, what was so impressive about their giant space shuttle last year?" Kim asked.

"It flew" all the boys said in choir.

"They have a point" Azalea said, taking a falafel from Jack's basket sense hers was empty.

"Hey! That's mine!" Jack exclaimed so she quickly put the falafel in her mouth.

"Sharing is caring, Jackie" Azalea said, her words coming out a little weird because she had food in her mouth.

"What a lady."


The gang was warming up in the dojo when Eddie walked in, "Guess what, guys? I was selected to be the head of the float committee because I'm the only person who even has a chance of pulling it off."

"And you are also definitely the only person who wanted the job, am I right?" Azalea snorted.

"Yes, I am" Eddie admitted, not as enthusiastic as he had been before.

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