62 | queen of karts

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"It was pretty cool of Milton's parents to let him have his party here at the go-kart track," Jack said to Jerry and Kim as they rearranged the presents.

"Yeah, it's better than last year when he had his party at the same time as his little sister's," Jerry said, "Teddy bear theme in the front yard, pirate theme in the backyard."

"Hey, I thought his sister's pirate party was a blast," Jack said.

"Whoo!" Milton walked over to them, "I think I'm gonna sit it out for a while. My stomach is up in my throat after that last ride."

"I didn't see you out on the go-kart track," Kim frowned in confusion.

"Oh, I wasn't," Milton said, "I was over in the rocket ship by the ball pit," he pointed over at the rocket ship that a eight year old boy was riding at the moment, looking bored out of his mind by the slow ride, "They should put a safety warning on that thing."

"Guys, you gotta check this out," Rudy told them, "The driver in the blue kart is tearing up the track."

"Whoa," Jack exclaimed as they watched the race, "It looks like he might break the course record."

"You know, I could have broke the course record if Jerry wasn't driving the wrong way and crashed me into the wall," Rudy said bitterly.

"Hey, I was going the wrong way because I dropped my corn dog at the start line and my family loved by a code," Jerry explained before saying something in Spanish.

"What does that mean?" Milton wondered.

"No corn dog left behind," Jerry said.

"Oh, he is on his las last lap," Rudy said, "It's gonna be close." The driver of the blue kart raced down the last few yards and crossed the finish line.

"Three minutes and twenty-one seconds, that's a new track record, folks."

"That was awesome!" Jack exclaimed.

"That was amazing!" Milton agreed just as the driver took of her helmet to reveal a familiar red-head.

"That was Lea?" Rudy said in disbelief.

"Zalee, you can really drive," Jack grinned, leaning over the fence to kiss her cheek, "Were you trying to break the course record?"

"Nope, I just really have to go to the bathroom," Azalea told them, throwing her helmet to Jack before jumping over the fence smoothly and jogging away.

"Yo, check it out. There is my corn dog!" Jerry jumped over the fence, ignoring everyone's protests. Just as he picked up his corn dog a kart hit him, sending him flying into the stack of presents.

Jerry then stood up, looking slightly disoriented as he held his corn dog, "Got it."


"Like my shirt?" Milton asked cockily as they sat in their regular booth at Falafel Phil's the next day. He was wearing an orange turtleneck that made him look like a traffic cone. "I got it from Carol Miller for my birthday," he clicked his tongue and winked, "You know, a girl doesn't give a boy a turtleneck unless she is trying to say something."

"Maybe she is trying to say you have an ugly neck," Azalea clicked her tongue and gave him a mock-wink.

"Hey," Jack ran into the restaurant, "did you guys see what's in Phil's window?"

"If it's the cockroaches trying to claw their way to freedom I don't want to see that again," Azalea's told him.

"No," Jack gave his girlfriend a weird look, "This flyer," he slid it over to Milton.

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