46 | dueling dojos

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"All right, to hang your picture properly, we gotta find the support beam," Jack explained to Jerry, "This stud finder will show me where it is," he placed the device against the wall and it started beeping.

"Ah, those things don't work," Jerry said, "You gotta do it the old fashioned way," he used a hammer to punch holes into the wall. "Found it!"

"Jerry! Give me that," Jack took the hammer out of his hand, "If Azalea sees that she is gonna freak."

"If I see what?" Azalea asked having just entered the dojo and when her eyes landed on the holes in the wall she froze.

"Jack, what the hell have you done?" she asked, glaring at her boyfriend.

"What? It wasn't me!" Jack defended himself, "It was Jerry, blame him."

"Jack, you don't blame a child for drawing at a wall, you blame the idiot who gave the child a pencil," Azalea said, "Now you have destroyed the wall."

"It's okay, we can just gang pictures over the holes," Jerry shrugged, "No one will know better."

"I will know better," Azalea deadpanned, "What are you you guys doing anyways?"

"Oh, we are hanging up this picture," Jack explained before hammering a nail into the wall, allowing Jerry to hang up the picture, "I'm proud of you, man. Look at you. Your first tournament ribbon."

"I know, man, couldn't have done it without you," Jerry patted Jack on the back.

"The picture is crooked," Azalea told them, "And you just hanged it there without thinking about how it's not symmetric or in line with the other pictures."

"Breath," Jack told her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders which allowed Jerry to continue.

"Your support, your friendship, your jock strap," Jerry said which caused Jack to stop dead in his tracks.

"You used my jock— just keep it," Jack told him with a grimace.

"Hey," Kim said entering the dojo, "Have you guys heard that dumb Black Dragon radio jingle?"

"Oh, that thing is catchy, yo," Jerry said and then he, Kim and Jack started singing.

"We're the best, don't mind bragging, so come and be — a Black Dragon!"

Jack started to make some high pitched vocalising noises before he realised that everyone was looking at him weirdly, "Don't hate me for making it my own."

He gave Azalea a kiss on the cheek before walking into the locker rooms just as Milton entered, "Hey, Jerry, that thing you are watching from the Seaford Animal Park is making a weird sound."

"He is probably hungry. I should go feed him," Jerry said, walking out of the dojo, and the girls and Milton followed him.

"Awe, what a little cutie," Kim cooed when she saw the animal inside the cage, "What is it?"

"It's a Peruvian Bush ferret," Jerry explained, "We gotta keep him separated because there wiry little fellas, can get really wound up around the females."

"Ah, I hear that," Milton said, "I mean, the poor thing."

But before the conversation could continue, Rudy exited Falafel Phil's with an elderly man and a young boy, "You know, Grandmaster Po, it's great that you are helping my he monastery find a home for this little guy," he placed his hands on the boy's shoulders.

"Thank you," Grandmaster Po said, "You know—"

"Well, the truth is I'm helping you help the monastery help the boy, which means you couldn't help anyone if I wasn't helping you," Rudy rambled.

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